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I roll over in my bed as I hear the pixies singing. Every morning they sing there songs. You can't stop it you've just got to put up with it. I pull the covers over my head try to ignore it. I don't want to get up just yet. But of course Tony thinks otherwise. He jumps up on my bed and begins rolling around, he shoots a few sparks at my face and growls.

"OK, OK," I flip of the covers and roll out of bed. I stand up and walk out to the kitchen, I pull out a fish and toss it to the small dragon. Just as he grabs it I hear Bertha roar. I look to the window and see her looking in at me "It's coming," I grab her a couple fish and walk out. I toss them to her and she greedily eats them. I hear next door's pixies. I really shouldn't complain about the noise, Bertha can be pretty loud. I walk down to give our fairies some food. We sell our pixies. Gloweye, my neighbor, doesn't cast a property spell on his and they mate with ours. I look in and see a new pregnant fairy. I throw in some flowers and head next door to complain. Again. 

I am greeted by Sparky. Such a typical name, but he's a friendly enough dragon. "Your pixies where in our yard again," I look at Mr Gloweye. He has a long grey beard and a bald shiny head. He dresses entirely in purple. "It is a course of nature," He begins "And if you appose of it so much, use an infertile spell," 

"You no they are expensive. And bad for the fairies. Your a wizard you should be able to make a property spell!" Mr Gloweye rolls his eyes. "You get the fairettes and I'm putting a property spell on them! All of your fairies!" 

As I stomp back home I realize that's probably what he wanted. Although he is a wizard he doesn't use spells on his various animals. His never mate, so he uses ours to get more. Its so annoying. I often catch the pixies casting there fertilization spells. And by then its to late. I stomp into the house. 

"Gloweye's pixies got another one," I groan to my father. "Hes taking them and can you get some property spells from the store?" I ask my father. He owns a spell shop, although he's not a wizard. My mother owns a grocery store and My brother is in retail, I want to break that chain. I am studying to be a writer, I love writing fantasy,  of worlds without dragons or unicorns or fairies or anything like that. 

"There expensive,"  Dad states

"Get a grounding potion then. That'd teach him," I walk into my room, grab my bag and get changed, we don't have a uniform at my school. I quickly go into my brothers room and grab his blanket. I run round the hall and into the main room. I through it up on the lower ceiling and turn to face him. Its seven and he should be up by now. He jumps on the lounge and pulls it down. I go back into the kitchen and begin to pack my lunch. I just finish making a sandwich when my brother comes into the kitchen and pours himself some breakfast. I hold a sandwich up to him and he pours my breakfast. Every morning this happens. I make him lunch, he makes me breakfast. 

I throw my bag on my back and walk outside, Tony at my heals. I see Bertha already at the stables waiting for me to come down. I grab the saddle and through it over Peters back. Its a weird requirement at my school that boys must ride to school. I lead Peter out and fight Bertha back from stealing the straw. I mount Peter and begin to gallop back up to our driveway. I slow down to a trot when I reach the corner. I think of one of my stories where a girl rides a horse and wants to be a show jumper. Its weird. In Fantasy worlds girls ride horses but they aren't permitted to ride in real life and don't even get me started on horses. Whats the obsession with them, they aren't real but I can't really complain, I mean there great to wright about. 

Luke comes up behind me on his Unicorn, Stewie. He's is a nice brown while Peter is white. 

"Yo, Georgie boy, whats up,"

"Gloweye's pixies got out again, Dad's getting some grounder from the store,"

We share a grin. "Stewie's been good boy," Luke rubs the unicorns neck. I smile. He has a crush on a girl down the road from him and uses Stewie to talk to her, its pathetic really but he acts like its the best plan ever. 

We arrive at school and take our unicorns out the field. I watch as Stewie and Peter canter over to Dorothy. Shes Darcy's. He's our other mate but always gets here first as his Mums the Kindergarten teacher. We walk over to our lockers to see Darcy waiting. 

"Hey Piggy," I say as we join him. We call him piggy ever since he said he believes in pigs that don't fly. Everyone knows all pigs are wing-pigs. He used to complain but know he's adopted it full time. Everyone calls him piggy and most people thinks its because he looks like a pig. Which, considering his smooth pale skin, round nose and pointy ears, is fair. Piggy's one of the only elves at our school, which is pretty cool, most elves live in the forest or in the mountains. 

"I can't wait 'till we go up to see the family," He explains "Its been so long, shame its only for a week thought," 

We'd heard it a million times. "I'm going to a competition out west jumping  Stewie. What are you doing in the holidays George?"

"Oh, nothing much. Probably gonna end up helping out at one of the shops," The bell rings as I finish my sentence and we head to roll. 

"I did ask mum if you could join us at the show be she said we had no guest tickets. Sorry."

"Nah, it's alright. Might get a chance to work on my newest story,"

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