Yet Another One Shot

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A one shot AidoRockz, made for me! I take credit for nothing except publishing this piece!


"Alondra Sanchez, wake up right this instant! God, why they made you, Cross and Kiryu prefects I'll never understand." The teacher shouted as he noticed that the young prefect was sleeping again. Lifting her head from her arms, cold brown eyes shot angrily at the teacher.

"Hey, idiot teacher, how would you like to spend your nights patrolling the grounds, making sure these sluts don't attempt to rape the Night Class?" Alondra asked, an innocent smile spreading on her face as she pointed her thumb to a bunch of random girls. Instantly every girl in the room, besides Yuki and Yori, was glaring at her.

The teacher twitched as he stared angrily at the young girl. His hand balled into such a tight fist that the wooden ruler he held began to crack. Why Headmaster Cross assigned such snot nosed kids as prefects he'd never know. They'd always sleep in class and act how they want, they never took responsibility for their actions. Why the Headmaster didn't pick better behaved kids the teacher will never understand.

"How dare you talk to me that way you ungrateful brat. You get double extra detention tonight!" The teacher snapped angrily. Alondra simply yawned in her hand and waved off the threat like it was a fly on her face.

"Yeah, whatever, and in the mean time you may just get fired for harassing a student." she said brightly. The teacher looked ready to say something back but, before he got the chance, the dismissal bell went off.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Hitoshi Sensei, it seems we will have to continue this conversation tomorrow." Alondra said, waving good-bye as she got up from her seat and left with the rest of the class. Hitoshi Sensei was about to shout for Alondra to get back but the girl was gone before he got the chance.

"Has anyone ever told you you're an idiot?" Zero's asked as he followed Alondra to the Moon Dorms. The goth simply shrugged and smiled as if she didn't have a care in the world.

"Plenty of people, I just don't care. Besides I'm just blunt and honest." Alondra stated carelessly, a light blush forming on her pale cheeks. This went unnoticed by Zero as he rolled his eyes.

"You can be the smartest person in the world and still be an idiot." Zero stated wisely, or was he just being a smart ass? Whatever it was Alondra rolled her own dark brown eyes as she got her blush under control.

Alondra was one of the very few girls that had a crush on Zero. He was drastically handsome but also cold, which was why none of the other girls that liked him had the guts to approach him. In fact Alondra, aside from Yuki, was the only girl that didn't fear Zero one little bit. However it wasn't his looks that attracted the young girl to Zero. It was his strength and shared hatred of Shizuka Hio.

Like Zero Alondra had also lost her parents to Shizuka. Yet the one big difference between Zero and Alondra was Zero's parents were Vampire Hunters and Alondra's parents were Pureblood vampires. A similar thing between Zero and Alondra was they both had twin brothers, though Alondra was the younger and Zero was the older in his family. After the murder of her parents, Alondra's older twin brother Mizuhiro used his powers to turn her into a human. It ended up killing him but Alondra was safe and happy.

Alondra very well knew she was a Pureblood vampire that was turned human by her twin brother. However there was a rumor in the vampire world that she was killed by Shizuka as well; since vampires either turn to dust or crystal when they die it is hard to tell for sure. So upon turning human Alondra changed her last name and never allowed anyone to know who she really was. Not only her, though, but Alondra's younger twin brothers as well.

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