By The Fountain

806 37 12

Yay! New one shot for me! WARNING! MAY CAUSE INTENSE BLUSHING! It did to me, and I asked for the implied lemon. ^.^ Enjoy this work by SolitarieStar!


“Everyone get away from the gates!”

It was another day of keeping the fan girls away from the Night Class and the guardians screaming at them to do so. They have been louder than usual, since St. Xocolatle’s Day is about less than a week away.

Alondra and Yuki have been trying to hold the girls off, while Zero was nowhere in sight. Yuki was not having as much success, due to her getting trampled.

Alondra finally had enough and shouted loudly, “All of you get in a line or I will notify the Headmaster to cancel the event!”

The girls gasped and slowly backed away from the gates, except for one of them. She stood there, her arms folded across her chest with a snide look on her face. Alondra turned and looked at the girl disapprovingly.

“May I help you?” Alondra said bluntly.

“Actually, you can. I know your one the Headmaster’s ‘favorites’, but that doesn’t mean you have to hog the Night Class and Zero to yourself.”

This just added 100% more to her irritated attitude. It was always about her taking advantage of the Night Class and Zero. Alondra’s face turned dark and scary as she walked up to the girl. As she walked, the girl started to hunch back in fright and making the other girls scurry in fear. Alondra was scary when she was angry at someone, and everyone in the academy knew it.

“Listen here, brat, I am not one of the so called ‘favorites’, and secondly, I don’t give a damn about the Night Class, and Zero is just an acquaintance. So, before I start to get even more angry, do as I say, and get away from the gate.” It sounded like venom was dripping from her voice.The girl nodded quickly, still frightened by her, and went to the other girls who comforted her and sent her harsh glares. Alondra scoffed and tried calming herself down quickly.

‘Finally, some decent quiet,’ she thought.

Moments later, the screech of the gate was heard, and they started screaming again. Alondra cringed at the sound piercing her ears and sighed at the loss of hope of quiet.

“Well, hello all my beauties! Was I in anyone’s dreams?” Aido shouted excitedly to the mesmerized girls. Most, no, all of them continued to scream. Aido kept being flamboyant and flirting with all of them. The other vampires just walked by, making their way to class while greeting the girls politely.

“Good afternoon, Alondra. How are you?” She heard Takuma say as he approached her.

“Hey, Takuma. I have a blistering headache from these fangirls,” she said with an annoyed expression.

“I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better,” he said with a reassuring smile. Alondra couldn’t help but smile back at him.

“Thank you, Takuma. I’ll see you later.”

He nodded and went off with the rest of the Night Class.

Once the Night Class headed off, Alondra took in a deep breath and sat of the concrete walkway. As she looked around, she noticed Zero coming from around the trees next to the gate. Once Yuki saw Zero coming their way, she was fuming mad. Alondra, on the other hand, immediately became shy. She didn’t understand why, all she knew was that she always felt this way only around him.

“Why are you always so late?!!?! Me and Alondra had to take care of the girls on our own…” Yuki kept rambling and punching as Zero tried to get away from it. Alondra just sat there, a concerned look making its way onto her face. She didn’t know if she should control the situation or not, so she stayed seated and let Zero handle it on his own.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2013 ⏰

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