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“They say that love is forever; your forever is all that I need…” Kellin’s angelic voice along with Jesse’s acoustic guitar strumming along blasted out in my earphones.

  I felt my face heat up, knowing exactly who I would dedicate this song to. I sighed sadly, and hid my blushing face with my sleeve covering my face. I stared straight ahead, looking at his beautiful hair cascading down his slender neck.

 This was my crush, ever since I laid eyes on him. His name won’t be mentioned..yet. But I swear it will be a cute name.

  He’s a bit taller than my 5’4 size, he has dark chocolate brown hair that he flips quite often, his eyes are the color of silver-with a mixture of honey golden and, green specks. His smile and laugh, is always so contagious that you can’t help, but be happy around him.

 Sure, this sounds a bit stalker-ish coming from a girl who has stared at him, but I can’t help how everything seems lighter, and fluffier around him. I can’t help the feelings of freaking flying elephants in my stomach all the time around him.

 And yeah, I admit it I’m a shy peanut when it comes to him. Yeah, I said shy peanut, deal with it. We’re friends, not great friends, but enough to crack jokes around one another. But, it’s hard to deal with the feelings when I’m around him. It urges me to hug him, and kiss him senselessly. But even we know where all that leads to. Me looking creepy; and him never talking to me again.

When I’m shy, I can never say my true feelings, or be blunt like I usually am. And trust me, I am pretty freaking blunt. I’m very opinionated, and very honest with how I feel about things. But with him, he makes me feel sane enough to not to be “rude” to people.

 Pulling me out of my thoughts he turned around, smiling his adorable dimpled-smile, “Hey Cindy! You have any food?”

 I held out my hand, presenting one M&M in my hand, “Here, you can have it.”

 He instantly took it and ate it, making me smirk and burst out into giggles, “That was on the ground.”

 His eyes widened with horror, and spit it onto the ground, causing the class and the teacher to turn to us with curiosity

“Cindy…(Still won’t mention his name yet ;D.), do you have anything to share with the class?” the teacher looked at both of us sternly.

 I nodded at (his name here.) and we both climbed on-top of our desks. We both started singing, “YOU KNOW TIMES CRAWLS ON, WHEN YOU’RE WAITING FOR THE SONG TO START. SO DANCE ALONG TO THE BEAT OF YOUR HEART!!!” we both broke out into fist pumping, and laughing with the rest of the class.

 The teacher’s face turned red with anger, before pointing at the door, “PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE NOW.”

 “Aww, come on teacher, lady, man er-thing, that was Fall out Boy. How can you not like that song?” he asked, putting his hands on his hips, looking fabulous.


 I grabbed his hand, feeling the tingles run up my arm, and pulled him down, “Let us go, my partner in crime. Obviously, some people can’t appreciate good taste in music. Shall we?”

“We shall.” He gripped on my hand tighter, grabbed our bags and walked out the door, making sure to slam it hard to prove a point.

I let go of his hand slowly, resisting the urge to hold onto it longer, “That was fun dude, we’re pretty awesome partners in crime. Maybe next time we should blast out singing Bring me the Horizon, or Sleeping with Sirens. Or maybe.. WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY?!”

“RINGADINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING.” he sang the next part, dancing with his little hands as fox paws.

I started laughing, and pulled out my phone for a picture, “This is going on Instagram my ninja.”

He posed, sticking his butt in the air, did the duck lips, and the peace sign as well.

“Very attractive babe.” I laughed, before stopping and realizing I called him babe.

“I know, I’m very sexy.” He flipped his luscious hair, before smiling that smile I came to love so much.

 Author's Note

Hey there guys, this is my latest story Caraphernalia.

I hope you enjoy it, since it is kind of based on a true story about this guy I like in school. But again, it still has a fictional twist to it. So wait until it is revealed!

Some events have occurred, like the M&M thing happened, and we really did get in trouble for doing that Fall out boy thing.

Well anyways, enjoy it, and I will update soon :D.


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