Bluestar connected
Bluestar: Hey! glares at the title*
Deadlykitten_and_Co: Well...Number 1: You died cuz your kits went crazing
Bluestar: What?!
Deadlykitten_and_Co: Number 2: You track down Catnip
Bluestar: Well...That's a lie!
Deadlykitten_and_Co: Oh really
Bluestar: blush blush*
Deadlykitten_and_Co: Number 3: Oakheart cheated on you
Oakheart connected
Oakheart: But I luv Bluestar
Bluestar: stares hard*
Oakheart disconnected
Bluestar: BRB
Bluestar disconnected
Deadlykittens_And_Co: Oh wow!
Bluestar connected
Bluestar: Back
Deadlykitten_and_Co: Number 4: You died because of Tigerstar's ugly face
Bluestar: rolls eyes*
Bluestar: True
ThunderClan connected
Darkforest conneected
Tigerstar: Really
Tigerstar: checks mirror*
Tigerstar: freaks out*
Bluestar: Well he is scare of his own face... So don't mind me if I saw that one
ThunderClan and Darkforest: Burrrrrrrrrrrn
Deadlykitten_and_Co: Well...I guess that's all, right?
Yellowfang: How about Brokenstar's death
Deadlykitten_and_Co: Sure that's next
Yellowfang: Heigh Ho Watch out Brokenstar! I am writing the next one!
Darkforest disconnected
ThunderClan disconnected
Brokenstar: silence*
Everybody out except Brokenstar and Yellowfang
Yellowfang: Heh heh heh
Brokenstar: No mother no!
When The Warriors Cats Use The Internet
ContoWelcome all people who luv WARRIORS CATS! Chapter 1: I luv Waffles Chapter: How Bluestar died