the game

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"ooohh dad I really like that house" I yelled pointing to a beige three story mansion with brown window panes and outlining it looks like it's been neatly drawn on a landscape piece of art.

"yeah well I really like food but you don't see me eating food all the time" he said in a mocking excited tone. I gave him a flat tone. let me introduce myself I'm Chloe and I'm 16 5'6" and I'm very outgoing and HYPER my friends say there's something wrong with my brain but I dont think so.I have waist length platinum blonde layered hair with ocean blue ends. I have translucent blue gray eyes that are always filled with joy.they are constantly sparkling so I've been Told. we are on our way to my dad's buddies house.we are going to watch the patriots vs. the Tampa bay bucs.I'm biased I Love the patriots like I loved the old team better with Woodhead Welker and gronch (not being hurt) but what can we do.we pulled up in to the long off white drive way. around 4:30 pm when the game was over me and my dad left the patriots won 23-3.near the pretty mansion the car gets a flat and neither of us were smart enough to bring our phones (you see the blonde don't you).so we walked up the very long drive way with feels like a football field long.we rang the door bells it was like one of those cliche doorbell. I ended up laughing my ass off on the floor.then all of sudden the door opens and a really attractive orgasm worth dude answers. he looks bout 17 and why did I have to wear my boy clothes why Lord why.I stare at him jaw dropped. he is wearing dark wash blue jeans with a white v-neck and black biker boots.I can see his freaking 8 pack like what the hell dude do you use steroids. I look up and I see him grinning at me I blush a tomatoe red color can this day get any worse. he welcomes us in and my dad leaves to find his dad.then all of a sudden BOOM I'm up against the wall with a hot guy in front of me.

"uh wh-what are yo-you doing?"I stammered out

"I'm bout to kiss a very attractive girl"He smirked oh hell no I am no girl.

"UM I AM NO GIRL A GIRL IS WHO DOESNT HAVE BOOBS WHO DOESN'T GET A PERIOD AND WHO DOESN'T DEAL WITH ASSHOLES LIKE YOU!"I yelled and jabbed my finger in the crease of his rock hard abs owwie. he looks taken back as if he has never been rejected.I hear crying of laughter I look over and see 5 teenage boys laughing their asses off.

"what's so funny?"I asked calmly

"h-h-his face OH MY GOD!"they roared into fit of laughter .I'm confused what bout his pretty face. yes I called a guy pretty.

"dude you got dissed by a chick" the youngest said with a teasing smile

"hi guys I'm Chloe what's your guys names? " I asked not being shy

"I'm kyle"the eldest looking one said

"I'm cole"the second oldest looking one said.aka the one that got dissed

"I'm Xavier" the middle child spoke

"I'm duke"the youngest looking one

"and I am Nick "the really really drool worthy one said.

"I'm 16 years old what about y'all?"I asked

"19"kyle said triumphantly

"18"Cole said chuckling

"15"Xavier said smiling

"13"duke said hyperly

"17 "Nick Said smiling

"eww Nick your old" I said with a scrunched up.face as IF someone killed a skunk.the boys cracked up except Nick.what can I say I mean to people that are orgasm worthy

1 mansion all boys and then there's MEWhere stories live. Discover now