So here I am sitting on the black leather couch in shock....well I'm also trying not to cry.the boys all gave me pity looks and it pissed me off.
"do you guys have a indoor gym?"I asked
"uh...yeah why?"Cole asked
"so I know where I can go if I ever get pissed"I stated bluntly
"uh..yeah um while we are at it why don't we show you around and to your room"Kyle said nervously
"I'm not gonna have a b-f."I said rolling my eyes
"a what!"duke asked
"a bitch fit you know from white chicks..."I said in a duh tone.they looked lost "are you kidding me you guys never seen white chicks..."I said as my eyes bugged out of my head.
"uh no?"Nick said as if he wasn't sure it was the right jaw dropped
"forget the tour show me to the big place where you guys play video games and such!"I yelled.they looked down
"We don't play video games our dad won't let us..." Xavier mumbled
"AWE HELL NAH I WILL BUY YOU A FUCKING XBOX ONE AND ALOT OF VIDEO GAMES SO YOU CAN BE NORMAL HOT TEENAGE BOYS"I yelled throwing my arms around.they flinched when I yelled. I smirked."you guys don't like it when I yell do you"
"more like screech"Kyle mumbled
"good that will come in handy"I smiled devilishly."do you guys watch football? "I asked changing the subject.
"uh yeah what about you?"Nick said.I gave him a are-you-stupid look
"do you not see what's on my shirt. good thing you are pretty"I sighed patting his head. the boy chuckle which they covered by coughing."y'all are weird teen do you not play video games?"I asked shocked.
"well you see our dad hates the sound of it so we can't play or we get it thrown out a window" cole frowned
"good thing I'm here huh I'm a ninja and you guys are my young grasshoppers in training got it so we must not be seen or heard"I whispered.I crouched and did a roll and went up against the hallways wall.I did hand signals telling the boys to keep low and follow me.they looked at me like I grew a third head.I face plamed and got up and walked to the boys and dragged them two by two and then one by their ears.once I got them to the stairs I asked them"show me to my room you filthy muggles!"they chuckled and walked up the white ball room stairs like in the princess diaries. once we got to the top we turned to the right the hallway was a pale pink...pretty.we turned to a white door and opened it to a big ass room the bed was a queen sized with gray comforters and pale pink pillows and the dressers are a pale pink painted mahogany wood.there was a 52' flat screen tv mounted onto the pale pink walls with black words on the walls.the closet doors were white.I opened them and the closet was the size of my old room which was tiny but damn that was big for a closet.I walked out with my mouth open."damn you guys are loaded!"I said in shock. they chuckled
"yeah well we got bored in the house so it's nice having a girl in the house for once."Kyle said
"guys what about my clothes that I don't have" I frowned. I can borrow Xavier or dukes.they probably have too small of skinny jeans and white beaters or jerseys of some type.
"we will bring you shopping tomorrow"Nick said
"I don't have money" I frowned
"eh don't worry we will pay...remember we are loaded"Cole teased
"rich bastards" I grumbled.they chuckled and led me to the kitchen.mmm...dinner with the new family well this is gonna be not awkward...note sarcasm

1 mansion all boys and then there's ME
Teen FictionSo theres me and im the only girl and im living in a mansion full of boys cliche haha yeah but theres too many twist and turns for me im getting dizzy