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My entry for day one of Zervis week! For the prompt chocolate.

Description: Zeref and Mavis always meet at the same spot, they were best friends. Zeref liked her a bit, no, a lot more than friends. How could he tell her? The key to every woman's heart, chocolate.

Note: This is an AU considering their current situation and the fact he can't see her XD this was the easiest to work with, don't worry! They won't all be Au's I will have a variety. Also sorry this is so short! I ran out of things to put XD

Trigger Warnings: None?

Zeref sighed putting the pen in his hand down, he sighed loudly in relief, he had finally finished the massive workload his boss had given. He sat up in his chair and looked at the clock then down at his outfit and hands.

He was late. He ran out of his office and slipped down the stairs, before anyone could question him he was out the door running like a maniac. Zeref ran into his house changing into some old clothes knowing that Mavis would want to look for fairies and washed the ink stains off his hands, and once again he ran out the door and all the way over to the place where he was supposed to meet Mavis.

She was going to kill him.

Mavis jumped around the tree impatiently, Zeref was late. Again. She heard the sound of footsteps approaching and sighed "Your late again Zeref!"

"Sorry, I had some errands to run" He smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. She 'humphed' and sat down, letting her bare feet hang down from the log she sat own. Zeref walked and sat next to the girl with the long beautiful golden locks, he moved his gaze to her smile.

She had the most gracious smile, one that could light up a world. His world to be exact. She had done so much for him, helped him work through his problems, forced him to have fun and most importantly. She saved him, saved him from himself.

Her cheerful voice cut through the comfortable silence "Hey Zeref! Want to go look for fairies!!" Mavis had stars in her eyes, Zeref chuckled, she could be such a child sometimes. But that's what he liked, no, loved about her. "Sure" before he could even blink an eye she was pulling him away into the forest "Where should we start!! Fairies could be anywhere! maybe even in the trees!"

He laughed and let her pull him along looking in all sorts of crevices and small places. "I think I have an idea about where they could be" Zeref said, his plan going along perfectly. "Really!?! Where!!" She jumped behind him ready to follow him to wherever he was talking about.

He grabbed her hand and started running south "Zeref....?" Mavis quizzically peered at him. "Here it is" He smiled, before him was a beautiful pond. Little animals and green plants circled the ground and Mavis gasped. It was the place where they had first met.

Zeref knew he could never fully repay her for what she had done for him, but this he could do. "Hey Mavis...." He said looking over at her. "Yes?" She looked over with a peaceful look on her face, being out here relaxed her, That's why Zeref chose this spot. The same spot they met at, and although an awkward meeting, it was one that changed his fate.

He reached into his bag and pulled out a large red heart-shaped box, "Mavis, this is for you. I uh-" Zeref was at a loss for words, he had prepared what to say but the words wouldn't come out. Mavis didn't seem to notice as she took the box, curiosity written all over her face.

The curiosity changed to a smile of pure and utter delight when she saw lots of little milk chocolates inside, her favourite. Before Zeref could even say anything Mavis tackled him into a hug "Thankyou Zeref!!"

He laughed along with her, the weight of anxiety from before suddenly lifted. "I finally had the guts to do it.." He said quietly looking at the sky, it was a beautiful day, as if the gods were egging him on. Although this sentence was not unheard by Mavis, "Took you long enough" She said while chewing on the chocolate.

"Don't talk with your mouth full silly" Zeref criticized, although she looked adorable.

Mavis giggled, then in the blink of an eye she gently placed a kiss on Zeref's cheeks and started running off "Same time tomorrow!" she called from behind her back, a heavy blush covering her cheeks.

He laughed and shouted "I won't be late!"


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