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    Delilah watched as she appeared, her form flickering vivid forms of the color cyan. One of Delilah's favorite colors.. After yellow of course. Layne curled her lip deviously at the frightened human before snapping her fingers.

   Delilah was yanked back, deeper into the void. Feverish sweat coated her skin and made her queasy. As her soul was dragged back into the darkness.. Delilah could make out a figure reaching out for her. Layne just started giggling evilly as she watched her soul darken.

   "Delilah..." The voice was whispered into her ear by a calm voice, "Keep fighting.. For me.." Delilah opened her eyes to see two sky blue eyes staring at her. She knew those eyes. She saw them whenever she looked into the mirror.

   "Mother?" Her voice was a shrill squeak. Phantom hands caressed her face and started to gently pull her out of the shadows. 

   "H-How are you doing that? You're in MY CONTROL!" Layne screamed. But Delilah just stared into those beautiful eyes she inherited. 

   "Mom.. Where is dad?" Her soul started to glow a red as Delilah's pain started to disappear. All her bruises and cuts slowly seemed to fade from her pale skin.

    She could hear an echoey sigh from her mother.

   "As you said a long time ago.. He left us. I sadly don't know if he's still alive.. Heh.. I've been watching you for a long time, my darling.." She put her forehead to her daughters.. Esther was slowly fading away. "I love y-.." She was gone.

   Delilah started to cry, dark inky tears leaking from her eyes. Her soul was on fire with an emotion she's never felt.. Not this strongly at least. Determination.

   "Determination.. De-Termination.." Layne could see the red, "Funny.. Huh? 'De' meaning Away.. And termination meaning death." She giggled and moved closer to the girl. She wore a sick grin as spoke calmly. "But, no one truly disappears. When you die.. Something always lives on. Much like your mother."

    "M-Mother.." She closed her eyes. Her soul seemed to burn hotter and hotter.. A growl escaped her lips as she lunged at the demoness. She phased right through her. Layne cackled.

   "You can't kill me here.. This is MY SHOW, and you're MY PUPPET!" She raised a claw and struck Delilah hard. Her vision disappeared.


   Running. Running from something. It's behind her.

   Fear. Sweat. Tears. Panic.

   A memory.

   No one loved her. She knew that from birth. Though it was a miracle she was alive. After all, everyone called her a freak. She was born with snow-white hair and pale skin. Her mother told her she was gods child, and she was perfect in his eyes.

   How can you believe that when your own mother has disgust in her eyes when she looks at you?

   "Get the witch!" A mans voice. She tripped. Pain. Blood. Dirt in her light cyan eyes, mixing with tears as they left muddy trails down her face. She scrambled forward as the hands grabbed it and yanked her back. A torch was poked at her stomach, burning through her two tunics.

    Screaming. Her screaming. The sickly-sweet smell of burning flesh overwhelmed her as she screamed. Hands held her down.

    The shadows raked the tool out of her ribs and dragged her back to the village. The hanging tree was in the middle of the village, old and bloodied nooses tangled in the leaves. A fresh one hung from a thick branch. 

    It was her noose.

     Another Memory

     "Why so pale?"

    "You look like a mouse."

    "Why dontcha get some color, huh?" They shoved her into the mud, rubbing it into her hair and eyes. She cried silently as they embarrassed her by tying her to the saddle of a stallion and sending him racing across the village.

    Everyone made fun of her.

    She looked into the crowd, seeing faces she grew up with as the rope was slipped around her neck. 

    "May you go back to hell where you came from.." The mage of her village spat before they kicked the barrel out from under her. It wasn't enough to snap her neck. Her air was violently cut off as she thrashed and fought for air.

    She couldn't breathe. She couldn't think. All she thought about was survival and escaping from this rope. It cut into her neck as drool dribbled down her chin. All she wanted was revenge. They're killing her. They're heckling her as she hangs before them.

    Shadows cast over her as silver eyes shone at her. She could see the most beautiful man staring at her, his gaze a mixture of amusement and.. Hunger? For what? Her blood? He walked closer to her, his  dark energy overing her like a shroud.  

    "My dear.. What do you truly desire?" He grabbed her chin, his black nails digging into her skin. She choked out nonsense. He snapped and the rope seemed to dematerialize before her. She kneeled and sobbed into the grass. He bent down and lifted her up.

     "I hate them.." She sobbed into his shoulder. He glared at her, his eyes turned crimson as he glared deep into her soul.

     "Years of hurting physically and emotionally is draining, my dear?" He purred. "Give me your soul.. And You'll rest." She just sobbed and nodded, her face slimy from mud, blood, tears and snot. He pressed his forehead to hers.

     "I want them to die.. Die.." She stuttered as his grip tightened. He held a held out behind her as her soul pulsed in her chest.

     "This'll hurt." His voice was distorted and demonic before she opened her eyes to dark flames killing everyone. She felt extreme lust for gore and blood. She just wanted to rip someone apart. She grabbed a escaping villager and ripped him in half.

     Soon, the village was empty and the dust was stained red. The demon grinned at her from his human form, his horns slowly shrinking as his attack mode disappeared.

    "What is your name, Demon?" She asked him as her shadow-form wavered. He curled his upper-lip at her.

    "My name is Jaifianuhn, may I have the pleasure of knowing your name, miss?" He was teasing her. She didn't like it.

   "My name.." Her name, a name uttered by a women who pretended to love her. The name yelled by villagers whenever she entered a room. The name crooned when they punched her or threw her around. She hated her name. "My name.. Is Layne. And I guess I'll see you around, Jaifianuhn." 

    She completely destroyed his human form in another fit of bloodlust. 

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