I want to
You're not going to
You don't have the guts
You can't even fucking end yourself properly
I am trying
Yeah right, try harder
But what if he is telling the truth and he loves me?
Trust me, he doesn't
Are you sure?
Who would ever love you?
You are broken and can never be fixed.
You are a fucking mess, who could ever love someone as fucked up and broken as you
You are not capable of being loved or loving someone in return
But I love him and he loves me
You might love him, but he sure as he'll doesn't love you back
But he said-
But nothing, he fucking hates you, he is just dating you so he doesn't get blamed for when you finally succeed in something and kill yourself.
So he doesn't really love me?
Oh. Okay. I just thought he might.
And another thing, everyone hates you and those people who call you a friend hate you.
Oh,I already knew that, but thanks for the update.