Mindless quotes (not finished)

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"Through the dark, there's always something there for everyone, Glory, Money, Love, Vengeance or Peace."
"Glory, can easily be over looked, but by no means is it easy. Glory, is earned through a hard time if blood, tears and respect."
"Money, is a material object used to blind the truth. It can be used to get almost anything in this life"
"Love, a feeling not well understood, yet everyone will feel it. Love is powerful, not a power like government. But power, that'll push you to your limit. Love isn't as much of a feeling as it is a test"
"Vengeance, a taste of blood, a look of fear, achieving Vengeance can be as simple as a few words. While others work for it, planning out a master plan. To watch one suffer, truly making sure the wrong that was caused will be avenged"
"Peace, Well. Happiness, it can be as simple as gaining that love you've strived for. Or that Respect you so desire. Peace isn't always sunshine and stars, peace can be the Vengeance of someone who did you wrong. Peace can be knowing that the person that was going through hell, is finally okay"
All of these feelings or objects will touch you sometime in life, everyone will have it different and they'll handle it in different ways. No one expects it. But one day, we'll all be on the other side of Vengeance, or love. Everyone has loved or have been loved. But in the end, everyone will end in peace no matter what.

4 months ago today, I was truly at peace with everything. Nothing was wrong, 3 months ago. Things began to fall. I hung in there, 2 months, I lost a few good friends. 1 month, I lost my best friend, she truly was one of my inspirations to write, to express my feeling and not bottle them up. So that's some back story on this quote.
"I never dreamed I'd ever be able to wake next to someone who'd be deemed friends. Nor would I ever have thought I'd lose such a person in my waking life. So for now, I'll sit here and bite my tongue, one day. One day too late."

"Heat can only burn flesh, not your soul. Your will to be better, push forward. Don't look back, don't be caught in the eyes of the devil"

"If I sing a bit louder would you notice me? If I tried a bit harder, would you believe in me? Would you give me a chance?"

"Being stuck in a box, seems like a fate worse than death. But no one sees were all trapped in our own box, and we need to break free"

"Staring at someone through a one way mirror. You may never know if you'll be noticed, you just have to break away and jump."

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