Chapter One: The Warning Signs

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Every country knows how painful it is to endure a war within. How it tears them apart, eats away at them, and destroys their very being. But, that has never hindered their abilities to bounce back from such internal turmoil. A truly admirable quality that every country possesses, whether they know it or not. However, no one expected America to fall victim to the worst case of internal turmoil yet. This surprised England the most, being the last person he expected to suffer from such extremities. England's older brother instincts kicked in without fault, causing the attention and concern of his colleges to be brought upon the younger nation.

Yet another conference was being held, not wanting to seem dysfunctional Alfred attended. It took him at least an hour to put on a happy façade, leaving for the meeting. One of the many things he was thankful for was that he lived alone. Although he complained about the agonizing loneliness, it was at times like this when he was most vulnerable. A thing Alfred hated to be, vulnerable, susceptible to all attacks, and invasions. A direct criticism to his usual strong, and will driven persona. That is something you can not fake, and as much as Alfred tried, he always failed. He assumed that the other nations would just brush it off, expecting that it was an off day for him. Yes, even countries could have off days. However, it was when he arrived that things became a bit dicey.

England as usual was the first one to arrive. Alfred could still remember that idiotic phrase England used to recite to him when he was small. ' To be on time is to be late, but to be early is to be on time. ' Alfred smiled a bit upon recollection. That smile quickly faded to a pained scowl, when a sharp pain jabbed him in his abdomen. ' Together we stand, Divided we fall.' Alfred reminded himself, hopping it would also remind his fifty underlings.

Alfred stepped out into the conference room. "Hey, England! Haven't seen you in a while, how have you been?" Alfred asked, trying his hardest to fake his usual enthusiasm. Arthur, at first, did not recognize that something was a little off about America. Instead he just rolled his eyes, and stated. " You saw me not two weeks ago America, why so chipper?" Arthur asked, crossing his legs as he sat in his chair. "Two weeks is a long time Artie, besides I though I would try striking up a polite conversation with my older brother figure." America said, out of character. This was when England started to receive hints that something was a tad bit off. England slowly processed what Alfred had said, deciding not to address the current issue consuming his mind, he diverted to a conflicting topic. "So, how's Canada? Talk to him lately?" Arthur asked, starting to get a bit fidgety. "Uh, I guess he is okay, I mean he has been preoccupied with...damn...I forgot what he said he was doing." Alfred said, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. Alfred adjusted his trademark bomber jacket, before sitting down next to England. "Oh really? Well I can't say I can do any better than that." England said, uncross I g his legs as another nation entered, not even bothering to look to see who it was.

"Good morning, eh." Canada said in his usual timid voice, his polar bear Kumajirou. So far it was an average day for the Canadian. As usual not many people noticed him, and as usual he didn't really pay any mind to it. However, it was when England asked him a question that he froze. "Hey, Mathew, what was it you were preoccupied with? Alfred and I were just having a conversation about it." Arthur said, his green eyes falling on the smaller nation. Canada, obviously taken aback by this statement, and the use of his first name, it took him a solid three minutes to respond. "Eh? Oh, well I was busy with taking Kumajirou to the parks. He insisted that we spent time out in nature, eh." Canada said, taking a seat next to Alfred. "Wait, your bear insisted you went to spend time in nature? Dude, you practically live in a cabin located in the damn woods." America stated, chuckling a bit. England on the other hand just laughed. "Well that sounds like a lot of fun Canada." Arthur said sincerely. Canada was now taken aback by all the attention he was receiving. It was something he was definitely not used to, normally he was just ignored, and forgotten. All Canada did was chuckle in response, placing his beloved polar bear on his lap. Canada gave a loving pat to his beloved companions head. The room fell silent, uncharacteristically silent. It stayed that way until Russia entered. "Hello everybody." Ivan said in his thick Russian accent. No body responded as usual, just a mutual nod. Ivan didn't help the crushing silence since he is used to like the silence, and everyone silently hating each other. America scanned the room, his blue eyes connecting with Ivan's deceptive violet ones. The second their eyes locked Ivan sensed a rift in the atmosphere. Something wasn't right, something was...different about his burger loving rival. Slightly amused by the change, Ivan just smirked, silently waiting for America to break. As expected America looked back down, not wanting to risk Ivan calling him out on his unusual behavior. The air grew more, and more tense. Someone was going to snap, Alfred could just feel it, and he knew it was going to be him. As soothing as the silence was, it also stressed him out to no end. Worried that the nations around him were silently criticizing him, laughing at him for becoming somewhat hollow on the inside, laughing at his weakness.

America was about to excuse himself, and recollect his composure. When France, China, and our lovely guest Japan entered. Breaking the silence, and bringing the meeting to an official start. America practically let out a sigh of relief, slouching down in his chair. Once everyone had taken their seats England started the meeting. France sat down on the other side of England, Japan and China sat on the left of Russia, some how not intimidated by him like every other nation was.

"Alright, now that we are now running fifteen minutes late, we must hurry up with addressing our concerns." England stated, crossing his legs. "Who wants to start us off? Anyone?" The room was silent, causing England to groan. "Alright, well I guess since no one else has any urgent business, I will go first." England stated, ignoring the fact that America didn't offer to go first like usual. England just figured that for once, America had nothing urgent to say. " Japan, surely you have some urgent business you would like to discuss." England suggested, adjusting his posture. "Uh, actually I do England-San. I have intel that many of the American states have been acting up out of conduct. Causing my defenses to be put on alert. I assured them that America-San has no intention on attacking, especially since he is our military. But, it was a concern that I felt imminent to bring to attention. Hoping that America-San could clear up my fear." Japan said politely, his eyes scanning America for answers. America reluctantly responded. "Do not worry Japan, I don't have any intention on starting a war or invading. My states may be acting out of conduct, trust me I am well aware of this. I plan to address the issue once this meeting is over. I am sorry for making you worry, and feel your safety is threatened." America said in a serious tone, his blue eyes lacking all emotion.
This was what did him in, everyone was immediately brought to the attention of Americas behavior. Especially after he refused to eat any of the hamburgers that were offered.

"Well, thank you Japan, I think we are going to prematurely call the meeting off, we will meet next week for a rain check." England stated, facing America, his green eyes scanning Americas face for any sign of life. Nothing, not even a glimmer in his blue eyes. England shook his head, asking the first question. "What is going on Alfred? What is with you?" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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