Don't Fucking Touch Me

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Chapter IV

Don’t Fucking Touch Me

"C'mooon Liam! Turn that frown upside down!" Zayn said, giving me a big smile, trying (and failing) to lift my mood. 

"No." I refuse to even smile knowing that he was less than twenty-five feet away. It was six in the morning, we were preparing ourselves for the tour. Yes, in the end the boys convinced me, but they didn't have to, in the end I knew I would accept. This is too much of a great opportunity to turn down. Plus, it can give us an idea of when we go on OUR OWN tour.

"I've been roaming around, always looking down and all I see, painted faces fill the places I can't reach. You know that I could use somebody-" Zayn began singing. Damn him. He knows I can never resist joining him. I cut him off.

"Nu-uh, nopenopenopenope! Not gonna work this time!" I said as I cross my arms and shook my head in denial.

"Off in the night while you live it up, I'm off to sleep, waging wars to shake the poet and the beat..."


Control yourself Liam! But I could already feel my lips twitching, just begging to sing-along with Zayn's angelic voice.

"I hope it's gonna make you notice, I hope it's gonna make you notice. Someone like me, someone like me...."

I found myself humming to the melodic beat of Zayn's soothing voice. I glare at him, clearly telling him to stop but he just grinned. 

"I'm gonna pick up the pieces, and build a Lego house. When things go wrong we can knock it down..."
Things already went wrong, starting with this tour. Ed Sheeran, that is soo low. Well played Malik, well played. 

"And if it's dark in a cold December, I've got ya' to keep me warm, and if you're broke, I'll mend ya' and keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on..."

I broke.

'I'm out of touch, I'm out of love. I'll pick you up when you're getting down and of all these things I've done, I've done I think I love you better now," I sang. Zayn let out a wide smile before the both of us sang.

"I'm out of sight, I’m out of mind. I'll do it all for you in time and of all these things I've done.... I think I love you better now."

Our foreheads were touching, he was grasping one of my hands. He grabbed of my other hand and crossed them, our arms making an 'X'. He smiled before letting out an unexpected:

"OPPA GAGNAM STYLE!" Before doing that dance where it looks like he's riding a horse. He pulled my arms a bit, gesturing for me to join him. I laughed before doing the same ridiculous dance.

I didn't last more than five seconds when I let go and started laughing, laughing so hard my vision got a bit blurry. 

"HEY! PRINCESSES! Quick your giggling and help me and Paul with the luggage."

Zayn and I made our way to the bus, trying to tone down our laughter. We were more like giggling now.

"You made my frown turn upside-down, and now my worries are gone."  I sang quietly. Zayn shot me a smile, indicating he heard.

I smiled back, ignoring the nagging feeling of someone's eyes on me this whole time.

.   .   .

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