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Feel so singled out.

Volleyball coach makes me, Emily, Astrid, Gabey, Ashley, Melissa and Melanie (the twins) stand on a different sid of a net while Maya, Samantha, Shalin, and Tiffany stand on the otherside with th hig school girls. 

I really hate volleyball!

t used to be fun until the teachers came along and picked team captain and co-captain. They picked the ones with the best serves!

OK, I understand my over-hand serve suck but I can still serve under-hand.

I WILL inform my mom about it if it gets worse. Then she'll move me to Blalack or Perry.

The coach singled me and Emily out because we take a step forward when w serve!

I'm sorry, since when can you treat us like crap because we take a step forward when serving. We're no different. Honestly, Tiffant, Shalin, Emily, and I are better than the rest of the team bcause some people can't call the ball, can't set, can't bump, and call the ball then step away saying "Nevermind."

The team is awesome but when I start alking to a member about techniques or anything related to volleyball I don't want a coach to pull me out of the srcemage. 

I also don't like teachers/coaches cussing at me.

I HATE the new coaches. They're easy going but never undrstand. They yell at us to communicate but during games they're just like "Shut up! No talking allowed!."  Dafuq? I will quit the team and they'll loose an awesome member.

Me and Astrid already decided that we will tell our parents about how we keep getting singled-out and we will ask to move to Perry just so we can stay together.

If I quit the team, I'm so screwed! Ugh! 

I really hate the way they reat me. I'm an awesome player and (no offense, sorry Tiffany) I think I should be captain. But they put the person that always comes and is very responsible. I'm very responsible, 0 DPS, A-B honor roll, and always on time. I hate how they treat me. Swear to God, I will quit this team!

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