chapter 2: A new friend

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Luckily my bus stopped near my college. As I stepped out and started walking, I came across a huge four storey building with a royal entrance. As I rolled my eyes I read "George Willis college of commerce and science" and my eyes stopped on that inscripted letters. The security guard was looking at me with a weird look and shouted "Hey !!! What are you looking at". As I heard that I came back into the real world. "Ahh... what I was thinking, it was just a blank thought" I muttered to myself.

I dangled my I-d card around the neck and quickly ran towards the notice board in which the list was pinned in . My eyes started scanning the names of the commerce students. Atlast I found my name
James Wyatt - Room no 23, 2nd floor
I quickly rush towards the stairs skipping one or two of them.

Finally I was facing the entrance of the class room I said "May I, come in sir ". All the eyeballs who were present in there were gaping at me, as if I'm the guilty for someone's murder. The professor narrowed his eyes and looked at me for 2-3 seconds and then said, " Pitch in " making a quirky face. As I walked in " Hey !! You boy will you please make an effort to give the reason why you were late" the professor said in taunting way. I chuckled and gulped my own spit and said " Mmm...I...I was late because .." I stammered. " OK..OK... no need go and have a seat" he said in his husky voice. I was afraid just as fuck . I scampered through the benches to find a nook the last bench the only place left for me and settled there.

One by one the lectures came to an end and it was the break time. I thought of having a coffee in the cafeteria. So I headed towards the cafeteria located on the third floor. As I stepped into the cafeteria the dark smooth smell of caffeine was trying to hypnotise me and forcing me to come there and have a sip of coffee. I rolled my eyes to the person standing on the order counter, " Sir what would you like to have ? " the person exclaimed with a gesture of taking an order. I replied, " One cappuccino please."

After five minutes.......
The person served me the cappuccino and I handed him the money. As I turned to make my way towards the table to sit and absorb the aroma and slowly enjoy every sip of it . But what I saw was terrible my coffee cup was lying on the floor broken and my cappuccino had disappeared on the dress of a girl making a patch on it . My eyes popped out with my mouth wide open.
" What the fuck , you potato eyed dumb ass . You can't see or what I was just behind you standing in a queue ". She said aggressively . " I'm sorry, I...I'm really very sorry, I could'nt notice you were standing behind me" I apologised . I was much confused and panicked I thought of giving her the tissues lying on the counter. I grabbed some tissues and offered her, but she refused. " Don't act too smart. I'm aware of those fucking flirty techniques ". She said in a sarcastic manner. Whimpering and crying she exited and fastly moved towards the washroom. I chuckled and stepped out of the cafeteria with my head lowered down as all were gaping at me .

I was feeling very low and insensitive and I know I did'nt do it just happened . In a way of controlling my anguished mind I thought of reading a novel in the library. I skipped a lecture and headed towards the library. As I entered the receptionist checked my library card . I started scanning the romantic section of novels in the selves. "Ahh!! Gotta . " The longest ride " by Nicholas Sparks ". I muttered since long time I was looking for this novel . I grabbed one of the bean bags and settled there . As I flipped some pages.

A soft female voice I could hear arguing with the receptionist. " Mam , I could'nt find a novel named " The longest ride " by Nicholas Sparks". I wanted to read she said making a sad face. The receptionist calmed her and said, " honey, the stock is not present at this time there is only one copy which is also occupied by someone". I slightly touched her shoulder and said, " Excuse me. Are you looking for this novel ". She beamed and said " Ohh yeah ". I asked her," If you don't mind we can share this novel and read together ". " Great idea, okay " she said with glittering face . We settled down on the bean bags . I introduced myself ,"Hi !! I'm James Wyatt. What's your name ?". She said,"my name is Dina Hass " in a bubbly way . After all that shit we proceeded toward reading the novel, but in between we cracked jokes, laughed a lot , talked about each other. In less time we shared a good bonding .

The time flicked by and it was the time to say goodbye to each other and headed towards our "home sweet home." I reached home, as I entered mom asked curiously ," how was your day !! honey" . I ignored mom's question and went upstairs. I shut the door locked in and banged my bag on the floor and plunged on the bed . The cafeteria scene was hovering over my mind again and again but on the other side I was happy that I had a new friend.
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