Chapter 3: GOODBYE U.S.

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I'm preparing for my last training here at U.S. before leaving. and I swear after this training I'd be on the hospital my opponents were 4 trained mafias and my sister who is so good at fighting!!!!

Beating the mafias was not easy but beating my sister?? was never easy because I didn't even had a good shot to hurt her I really can't win against her but she always told me that 'someday you'll be better than me Nique' I'm really gonna miss her and lolo....


day of departure... at the airport..

were here at the airport me, ate Ally, lolo and mafias...

"always take care there Nique okay?? and don't forget to call me always" ate Ally riminded me and tears are now forming on her eyes

"your mafias would fetch you when you arrive, just remember well always be there and don't forget to call when you have problem Alex." -lolo

"yes lo I promise and visit me if you have time". I said already crying urgh Im gonna miss them so much

passengers going to the Philippines please be ready....

" its your cue, you have to go now" my sister said while crying and we hugged each other so with lolo I bid goodbye and hug him

the moment I turn to go to my plain I just can't look back I'm already crying and if I do look back at them I may not leave them anymore.

the plain already flew and i think I just want to go back but this was maybe a way to forget the pass.

*sigh* Philippines... the country of our dad. it was funny that we tried learning Tagalog before but we didn't continue since we thought what are we gonna do with Tagalog language when were at U.S. but now I think I really need to learn the language. its the reason why I know how to say ate, kuya, lolo and other simple Tagalog words I actually can communicate with Tagalog words but not that fluent

I was just thinking if what will happen to me if I'm already there? will it change me?? will it help me forget the pass?? or will it make my life worse??


when I woke up were still far from Philippines so I just sleep again

time skip************************

FINALLY*!!! I arrived*!!!

I got my things went out of the airport and I saw 2 men wearing a suit and a golden ring on their hands symbolizing they belong to the Alejandro Mafias so I went near them and they got my luggage and open the door of the car for me

"ma'am Alexandra master Zandro told us that you have to call him when you already arrived here" the man whose driving said

"ohh yeah I have to call them" then I dialed lolo's number


"have you arrived already Alex?" -lolo

"yes lo and were on our way to the house now"- me

" good then I'll tell your sister you called since she's very busy right now"- lolo

"sure lo I'll hung up the phone already since you also seem to be very busy, bye lo take care!" I said before hanging up the phone


"uhm excuse me may I know your name so that I'll know what to call you?" I ask breaking the silence since they're not talking and were like mute

"I'm Rico ma'am" the one whose driving

"you can call me Francis ma'am" the one whose seating beside kuya Rico

"ahh oky so I can just call you Kuya rico and kuya Francis, bye the way do you speak or understand Tagalog?"

"yes maam" kuya Rico said

then I think they can teach me Tagalog words that I don't know :)

at the mansion

"kuya Rico you can just put my luggage outside my room" I said while I enter the house

"hello ma'am " 4 maids greet and I just smiled at them since I'm very tired of my flight I need to sleep.....

that's her outfit when she left U.S.

next chapter would be a taglish one

*** cutie angel***

THE MAFIA THAT'S MEANT FOR HERTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon