Chapter 11

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~The dedication of the final chapter goes to xxTrystxx for being such a dedicated fan, and all together nice person(:~

Chapter 11

~Aralyn's Point Of View~

I flew up, my vision going black. That had to be the worst dream ever. Some of it was in fast-forward, and some in slow-motion.

It was confusing, and confusing. All I knew is that I never, ever, wanted Aiden the way I thought I did in that dream.

That was simply terrible, when we kissed, and he pulled me up. I wanted too go back, but put Brandon's head on Aiden's body.

It was almost like a nightmare...

~Aiden's Point Of View~

I had just woke up from an intresting dream, and was getting cereal.

In the dream I was in the front door of my house, basically making out with Aralyn. It was terrible. Since I had that dream, I couldn't sleep.

I wish I could go back, and like place Jess's head on Aralyn's body. It's true that in the past three months, I had grow close to Jess.

She was my girl-friend, and I quit most of my player ways, to be with her. She was so pretty. Prefect blonde curls, skinny, crystally blue eyes.

I even thought I loved her.

She had changed me in ways I thought were impossible to anyone else. But she meant so much to me, and she made me forget about Aralyn.

What I could have had, but, in a way I'm happy I gave her up. If Brandon likes her, then I would have never had a chance.

When I saw that crescent moon mark on Aralyn's neck, I knew thay had mated, and I was no longer her mate. I was actually happy in a way.

I didn't want her, I now only wanted Jess.

~Brandon's Point Of View~

I was walking down my steps, on my way to my mates house.

Aralyn was all mine now, and it was so releiving. I loved her so much. Now we were mated, too. It was so fantastic.

She was the most amazing girl in the world, and beautiful too.

On my way down, I saw Aiden sitting in his room, with his face in his hands, and decided to sit down next to him...

"Yo, man, you alright?" He looked at me and smiled a genuine smile. "Dude, I'm just... Great. No joke. I've just been thinking."

I put hand hand on his shoulder. "I'm happy you found Jess. And I'm happy I have Aralyn." He smiled wider at me. "Me too."

I just got up, and walked over to her house then. I knew he really didn't care anymore. He didn't care if I was with his ex-mate.

I loved her. Nothing would ever change that.

~Aralyn's Point Of View~

I heard footsteps up my stairs, and opened my door, running to Brandon, and hugging him. "Babe, hey!" I said, kissing him tenderly, and jumping back down.

"Well... Hello, hot stuff." He said, and hugged me yet again. I giggled, and he smiled wider.

So maybe I had the best mate imaginable. Well, scratch that, I definatly had the best mate anyone could ever dream of.

I think that in a way, I wonder if I could have ever really changed Aiden into the man Brandon is, but then I just let the thought slip, because if I already have a Brandon, I wouldn't want another one.


~Brandon's Point Of View~

I smiled at her.

I was the luckiest man alive to have her. She was my version of perfection, my kryptonite, my only weakness, but also my strength.

She was the only thing I wanted out of life.

I couldn't even hope to have something better, because, in my eye's, nothing better existed. I felt the little box in my pocket, almost forgetting my soul mission for today.

I would marry her.

~Aralyn's Point Of View~

"C'mon Aralyn, lets sit on your bed." Brandon said, so I sat on my bed, but he still stood. So I patted the spot next to me...

He just shook his head no, and mouthed the word 'stay' to me.

He got down on one knee, and my heart quickened in pace. I was probably smiling like I was crazy. Well, crazy in love.

"Aralyn. I love you with all my heart. You are so beautiful, and perfect, in everyway. You are the only person who can make my heart beat faster, and slower at the same time, and I want to know, if you would make me the luckiest man in the world, and marry me?"

I jumped up, and hugged the crap out of my fiance'. "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes, I love you Brandon..."

I think we sat there for minutes, just hugging.

We in completely and totally in love, and nothing could brake our bond. The bond of being mated, and together forever.

~2 1/2 months later~

"You may now, kiss the bride." Said the preist, but he didn't need to, because Brandon was already half-way there.

"I love you." He said, and I just kissed him again. "I love you more." I said, adn just kissed him again.

The best part was that Aiden and Jess were at the alter, right next to us, also getting married.

It was all perfect.

This day.

Everything that has happened.

Me being married to the most amazing man ever.

My life had went from useless, to so worth while.

In about half a year...

~Aiden, Aralyn, Jess, and Brandon's Point Of View's~

Today was just... Well there were no words to describe this.

It was perfect. I am married, and mated, and the most important part?

I love him/ her.

And I don't plan on stopping.





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