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A/N: Far Away by Nickelback for this chapter!! Btw, I made a playlist for POAC?? Link is at the external link of the book :) Enjoy.

Chapter 10

Baking. That's one thing I never imagined myself doing out of my own free will. Maybe helping my mom or April, yes, but not by myself, with Luke Hemmings wreaking havoc by my side.

"I can't believe you forced me into doing this shit," I say, continuing to stir the mixture of flour and eggs in the bowl. My arm is already tired and thanks to Luke tripping earlier, we're both practically covered in flour. Not that it matters to Luke because for some reason he looks good in everything, including fucking flour.

Luke ties the bag of flour up and puts it back into the cabinet, leaving a trail of it along the floor. It's Lynn's turn to mop the apartment this week and when she sees this mess she is most probably going to kill me.

"I wanted cookies, you didn't have any, I've never baked, you've never baked, I thought it was a good time to try."

"It isn't," I conclude, handing him the bowl, "And it's your turn."

"Isn't it time to put in the Nutella?" Luke asks, putting the bowl down and taking out Nutella from the fridge.

"What?" I ask, staring at him. Is this idiot serious right now? "Why the fuck would you put Nutella in cookies?"

"Because, Star," He tells me, putting in three spoonfuls of Nutella into the mixture, "These are special cookies."

I shake my head at him and close the cover on the Nutella. Great. He got flour in my Nutella.

"If they end up tasting horrible, you're finishing every last bite," I warn him.

Luke comes over to me and wipes his flour-covered hands on my cheeks, "Nothing with Nutella in it ever tastes horrible."

I push him away and furiously wipe at my cheeks. I'm going to breakout tomorrow, I'm sure of it. Asshole.

"That wasn't necessary!" I exclaim, throwing one of our extra eggs at him. It breaks at his chest and he looks down at it. Fuck. First of all, I shouldn't have wasted that egg because we don't have any more grocery money for the rest of the month. Secondly, I just threw a fucking egg at Luke Hemmings.

We both watch as the egg yolk slowly runs down his dark blue shirt. My breakfast, right there, gone. Luke looks up to me with something in his eyes. Could that be anger? He walks towards me and stretches out his hands, "I need a hug."

Oh, hell no. "I'm not getting egg on my clothes!" I yell as he chases me around the house. Now we're getting flour all over the apartment. Lynn is definitely going to kill me. I run past the couch and back to the kitchen so that we don't mess up anywhere else. Wrong move. Luke has me cornered instantly and wraps his arms around me. I can feel the egg from his shirt getting on mine and I groan.

"Get off me, it's so gross!" I say, trying to wriggle out of his grip. It only makes the situation worse, pressing the runny egg further into my shirt. Luke laughs and finally releases me.

"Now, we're even."

"No, we're not."

"Doesn't matter," He mumbles, pressing me back into the corner and kissing me.

. . .

The cookies taste horrible. We left them in the oven for too long and Luke used way too much flour. Somehow, even the Nutella ruins it. I knew this was a bad idea.

"They taste horrible," I say out loud to Luke.

"No they don't," He denies. Lies. I can see him cringing as he swallows it.

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