Chapter 4

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Hi guys! To my few readers lmfao i've decided im just going to cut the swear mute and use actual swearing because it gets frustrating having to mute that shit! you feel me? And if you read it and you have any comment concerning this story good or bad i want to know because i'm an open minded person and please vote for this story otherwise i have no good reason to actually continue with this weird plot. Thanks


Lewis POV

“Yes…uhuh, ok son I’ll tell her” I said hanging up the phone.

“That was Justin they finally got our love sick child out of her bed funk and they are at the mall apparently, doing lord knows what, he also said they are going to watch some horror that’s screening at 8 and Stacey will be sleeping over at Lauri’s house, meaning I will have some alone time with my wife and we have about 6hours to kill its only 4 now sooo…” I said wiggling my eyebrows at her while I picked her by the waist and spin her around making her burst into a fit of laughter.

“Levi put me down now!!” she said throwing her head back still laughing just as the phone rang, dammit!

“They can call back…tomorrow” I said and kissed her placing her down resting my hands on her waist pulling back just as the phone stopped ringing, I picked her up bridal style heading upstairs before the phone rang again and she looked at me like ‘they are not going to stop until we answer’ “fine” I huffed and set her down, and walked behind her as she sprinted to answer the kitchen phone in time, “Oh hi Janine what a surprise to hear from you….yes, we went over this, you know their situation... why do you ask? WHAT? are you sure? Oh my goodness is she alright? It’s the pull Janine, and this only makes it worse. I’ll ask him, yes I’ll stay in touch” she hung up the phone with a bewildered expression I raised my eyebrow at her sudden change of expression.

“So… which Janine was that?” I asked

“Jessica’s mother” she said in an uneasy tone.

“Well what did she want?” I asked and raised my eyebrow again.

“Nothing” she said and rubbed her temple.

“Then why did she call?” I asked watching her gaze turn onto me.

“To friendly inform us that Jessica is pregnant…”


“I wasn’t finished,” she said and held up her index finger, “and it is Dani’s” she said as my jaw dropped.

“Is she sure, you know kids these days they are like squirrels” I said still in awe.

“Yes she is sure and it makes sense Levi, they have a strong pull I doubt that either of them will mess around and Levi really all those kids practically did was have sex by all the condoms in Dani’s tras…”she said and covered her mouth.

“You went through Dani’s trash huh?” I asked amused.

“Levi!” she said palming her face embarrassed.

“How many?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“LEWIS!!!!!” Karmin Screeched.

“Okay ill drop it…but I’m not done with you missy, we have bigger problems at hand as it seems, call the Pack and Daniel. Its time.

Dani POV

“That girl is sooo checking you out” Justin pointed to a girl not far from where we were.

“Nope, even if she was I’m not interested.” I said flatly to Justin as I sipped on my vanilla coke.

“Well shit it’s been forever! You have to move on some time or not, sooner, there’s no guarantee that you will see her again”

“No Justin I can’t just walk away from what we had, and I will see her again even if it costs my life…so why don’t you and your dateless ass march over there get that girl’s number, screw her once or twice and buy her pizza” I said to Justin as he just shook his head chuckling.

“I am kinda horny so wish me luck” he said , while I chuckled, just as Justin approached the girl my phone vibrated in my pocket.

Mom: Honey, I didn’t want to call because I didn’t know if you’re in the theatre yet, but there are things we need to tell you  so hurry home as soon as you get this it’s urgent!

I didn’t want to seem rude so I just dialled Justin’s number from where I was standing.


“Justin we have to leave, like now Mom wants me home, she said it’s urgent!”

“Wait why are you calling me” he said turning around looking at me like ‘what the fuck’.

Ending the call I decided to walk to where he was, “Hi uhmm can you excuse us for just a moment…..” “Cass” the girl answered “uhm Cass he’ll be right back’’ I said flashing my killer smile as I pulled Justin to another spot “ Moron!!! Get the girls number and hurry up” I said and showed him mom’s message “ okay okay do you know what it’s about?” “ no asshole I don’t, and I’m leaving without you” “you don’t have the keys” “ I do now” I said as I jiggled the keys in front of him. “ how the fuck?, wait I’m coming just give me a sec he said and ran off to the other direction I assume he was going to get the girl’s number, while I made my way out of the mall to the vast parking lot “ well shit where did we park again” I cursed to myself when I spotted my Rover in the distance “ there you are, but shit you’re far” “ I leave you for five minutes and you start talking to yourself?” Justin said coming from behind me. “Aghh shut up bitch, let’s go”

“Mooom!” I called as I entered the house.

“In the living room honey!” she called.

“Mom what do you want to t---woah what’s going on?” I asked because before me was a room full of people, some I recognise as family friends and some I just didn’t know.

“Now Sam!” my mother yelled and I felt something pierce through my back, my knees buckled and the last thing I saw was a man with piercing grey eyes before my vision went black.

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