Chapter 2

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Time seemed to have passed so quickly. It had literally felt like minutes ago I was being asked to lunch by a guy who I had just met and now this guy was standing at the desk waiting for me to get my things together. This day was possibly one of the weirdest days of my short lived life. The three other boys in the band who I later learned were named Brad, Tristan and Connor walked past myself and James, each one of them wolf whistling inappropriately. It was just a lunch date, nothing to special. Why were they making such a big deal about it. 'I'll be back in a second," I told James as I made my way to Tony's office to let him know I was leaving for lunch. I tapped my hand on the glass door and the faint words "come in," came from inside. "Hey Tony, I'm just going on my lunch break so I thou-" "Have fun with James, stay out of trouble and also take a 2 hour break," my boss quickly said interrupting me and motioning for me to leave. Did the news seriously spread that quickly?!

As I made my way towards the front door and extended my hand forward to push it open I was stopped by James' tall frame in front of me. "A true gentleman opens the door for women," he said in a posh accent which cause me to giggle like a little girl. "I apologize for this but we will be walking to our lunch destination as I had not planned on taking someone on a date today," he continued as we walked down the street. "No, that's fine! I can't say I remember seeing a lunch date on my agenda today as well," I responded and he laughed. The conversation the whole way there was extremely flirtatious from both of us, making me even more nervous about lunch.

We stopped in front of a cafe which I had never seen before. James once again insisted in opening the door for me. The little things he was doing were so cute. We were seated at a small table near a window looking at the amazing view of the London streets. "So, Australian accent, where's that from?" James asked breaking my train of thoughts. "It came from Australia," I replied sarcastically, "Nah I'm Australian, born and raised. I moved out here about 6 months ago when I received the internship. I guess you could say moving here was me fulfilling my dream." "So you're eighteen, and you moved to London, by yourself? Wow I would not be able to do that!" his face still somewhat shocked at what I just told him. "Well technically I didn't move here by myself, my best friend Laura moved here with me, so I guess that made it a lot easier. But saying that I do miss my family heaps. Enough about me! Tell me about yourself." "Well, I'm from Bournemouth, I play guitar and I sing; I'm nineteen years old, I have a thirteen year old sister and I love keeping fit. That is basically all there is to know about James McVey," he replied. As I was about to reply to his quick explanation about his life the waitress approached our table. "Are you two ready to order?" she politely asked. I looked over at James and he signalled for me to go first. "I'll just have a chicken salad with mayonnaise and a glass of water please," I said to the girl. "I will have a chicken paella with brown rice and a glass of water too thank you," he smiled at the waitress as she wrote down his order and left the table.

"Why London?" he asked me with curiosity, "why not America or just staying in Australia?" "I don't know, it was always a dream of mine I guess, moving here. America was never an option because it just seems too busy for me and yeah I love Australia but eighteen years there, I was getting so sick of the same routine!" As our food arrived at the table he opened his mouth to speak again, "I know you're probably thinking why is this guy asking so many questions but I promise this is the last one and the one that has been eating away at my brain since I walked into Virgin EMI Records this morning. Are you single?" I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and hoped that he hadn't noticed, "I am very much single and have been for the past 2 years," I replied not making eye contact with him. "Good then, that means I won't have some boyfriend of yours coming after me for taking you out to lunch today!" I laughed at what he had just said to me, and the gorgeous smile that belonged to him crept upon his face again.

We continued chatting about our lives for quite some time until I noticed the time. "Crap," I exclaimed," I've got to be back at work in 10 minutes!" After a quick argument about who would be paying for the meal I finally gave in to his persistent tone and allowed him to pay. As we were walking back to the office he turned to me and said, "Are you doing anything Saturday night?" I shook my head in response, was he really already asking me on a second date? "The boys and I are having a small get together with a few of our mates and-" he looked down at the ground somewhat nervously while pushing his hand through his hair,"- I was wondering if you would like to come. You can bring Laura of course!" "I'm not 100% sure what my plans are for Saturday night but I will let you know," I said, trying to ease his nervousness. "Awesome, I'll give you my number and you can text me to let me know," he replied eagerly. "Ah, I left my phone at the front desk," I replied as we reached the front door of the office building, "here I'll give you my number and text me the details," I continued as he handed me his phone and I punched the digits of my mobile number into it. "Talk soon," I shouted back to him as I walked through the doors. 

I took a seat at the desk, picking up my phone to check for any unread messages. As I picked it up it softly vibrated. I opened the message from the unknown number which read 'Thanks for agreeing to come to lunch with me today, I had a really great time! Hope to see you Saturday night and once again I am terribly sorry for knocking you over today. xxx James' My heart fluttered as I read the 'xxx James' at the end of the message. What the hell had even happened today? 

A/N sorry I know it's short but I barely had time to write this today, I'll either update daily or every two-three days depending on how busy I am! I'd also like to say thanks to the people who read the first chapter, I only expected it to get like 5 reads maximum and it got like 30 :)

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