Chapter 4• low key

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Unknown number: how was lunch with your dude 😒

Me: it was great! Thanks for asking.

Unknown number: was it really? Did he even pay? Because I would.

Me: yes he did pay

Unknown number: tell me who he is

Me: just think real hard. I only hugged three people at practice and one of them was my brother.

Unknown number: I'm just gonna ask your brother myself

Me: he won't tell you, we're keeping a low profile

Unknown number: ya right, so basically low key?

Me: ask him, he'll probably get mad and what to know why your asking and yeah, I guess.

Unknown number: give me a hint

Me: he has brown hair

Unknown number: half the guys on the team have brown hair.

Me: well it tells you that he's not one of the people on the other half without brown hair.

Unknown number another hit?

Me: he's hot

Unknown number: I'm hot

Me: whatever....

Unknown number: I am

Me: like I said whatever.

Unknown number: no like I'm really hot

Me: I'm going to tell my brother that you won't leave me alone

Unknown number: why don't you tell your "dude"

Me: he doesn't need to worry about you

Unknown number: you don't want to tell him about me??

Me: that's it I'm so done with you

Unknown number: no I'm sorry
Unknown number: seriously
Unknown number: come back
Unknown number: please
Unknown number: I'm sorry

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