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It was a lonely night, the doctor was up late studying the dead bird's body. Red ooze dripped from his hands as he was cutting open the bird. He was picking out the organs and carefully placing them into separate groups on his table next to him.

It was a hobby of his, picking up dead animals and tearing them apart to study their intestines. Gruesome, but in a boring city like the one he lived in, there wasn't much else to do.

The doctor continued to work, wiping away the sweat here and there. When his brow wasn't sweat free, it glistened in the mixture of the lamp light shining on his project and the moonlight shining in the nearby window.


there was a tap, tap, tap at his window. The doctor removed himself from his work and opened his window to call out, "Hello?"

No reply.

The doctor shut the window and scurried back to his desk, taking up his project.

Not too long after, the doctor was shaken abruptly by a whimpering coming from down the hall.

He hurried to his door, calling out "Hello?"

No reply.

The doctor shivered and walked back to his desk. Picking up the bird's heart, he carved it open with a scalpel and examining the structure.

The doctor jumped when he heard something scurrying behind him. Spinning around, the doctor cried out, "Hello?"

No reply.

He spun back around to his work, this time cutting up the bird's lungs.

He jumped when he felt something crawling up his leg. The doctor cursed himself for his damned imagination and the late night working giving him hallucinations. The window flew open, startling him. The doctor got up and tried to close the window, but it would not budge so he gave up and returned to his seat.

He heard creaking from behind, standing up and once more, he cried out, "Hello?"

No reply.

Again, he cursed his imagination. He was convinced nothing was wrong and everything going on was only hallucinations.

That was until crows flew in the window, crowding the room, leaving only for the doctor to see black.

Dogs and cats of all breeds burst through the door, surrounding the doctor, leaving him no place to go. Mice and rats scampered up his pants; dogs and cats biting and scratching at his arms and legs; crows pecking at his face, successfully removing his eyeballs and nipping his nose and ears and lips. Blood flowed down the doctor's body as he collapsed helplessly to the floor. This allowing the animals who had intruded his home to attack more of his body.

The doctor's secret being he was no dead animal collector, no taxidermist. The doctor killed animals for fun, to repeatedly study their organs before collecting their bones and fur or feathers for pleasure. The animals had finally gotten revenge....

Or had they?

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