"You know no one does your hair better."

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"You know no one does your hair better."

"You do, but apparently you prefer letting another woman touch my hair than do it yourself." Dolph snaps back at you. He wanted you to do his hair, but you suggested he should go to his usual hairdresser, she can do it way better than you do.

"Dolph, what the fuck? You know I love doing your hair!" You're naturally shocked with his outburst. You've been working a lot, but you've noticed he hasn't been himself lately, and you can't put your finger on it...

"Yeah, you have a weird way of showing it." He mumbles.

"Are you seriously starting an argument because I think a hairdresser can braid your hair better than I do?" You shout, feeling the anger rise.

"I like the way you braid my hair... I miss it..." He whispers, sitting down and looking down at his hands. "I miss your touch... I miss you."

You had no idea Dolph felt that way. You've been focusing on your work for the past weeks and now you're feeling really guilty. Truth is you really miss him too. You sit in his lap and start kissing him all over his face and neck, only to have him blushing, giggling and smiling widely, like he used to. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I swear. I got carried away with my job and I totally neglected you. I love you so much. I'll braid your hair and I'll totally make it up to you."

Dolph Ziggler - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now