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A/N: Welcome to the first chapter/part. Hope you like it!


"Ah, fuck me," Harry grumbled as he dropped several boxes onto the floor. He only needed one, but somehow managed to knock half the shelf over in the process.

"Maybe later," A voice said, making him jump and drop the boxes again. Harry turned to see a boy behind him smirking. He was short, well not short but shorter than Harry at least, had brown messy hair that swept across his forehead in the fringe, the bluest eyes Harry had ever seen, and a nametag that said Louis.

"Excuse me?"

"You said, 'fuck me'," Louis shrugged, coming beside him to help clean up the mess.

"I think that's a bit inappropriate don't you think?" Harry said, scrunching his nose up.

"Probably. But considering I was about to clock out, only to see you make a mess," Louis trailed off.

"I was picking it up," Harry defended.

"Not the point Twinkle Toes," Louis said, stacking the rest of the boxes back on the shelf before turning to Harry.

"Well, you don't need to be rude about it," Harry said, crossing his arms.

"What are you going to pout about it now?" Louis teased.

Harry just rolled his eyes and walked away. "Have a nice day Lewis," Harry said bitterly.

"It's Louis," He grumbled back, watching Harry leave his sight.

Harry paid for his items before making his way out of the small store. He texted Niall, letting him know he was on his way home, only to get a reply about how if doesn't hurry up he might actually die of starvation. Harry just rolled his eyes fondly before climbing into his car and heading to their shared flat. "Honey, I'm home," Harry laughed as he walked through the front door.

"Bout damn time, I'm withering away over here," Niall said, hopping up onto the countertop.

"Yeah, you're all skin and bones over there," Harry rolled his eyes, pulling stuff out of the bags so he could cook.

"What took you so long anyway?"

"I made a mess in one of the aisles and a very rude employee helped me clean it up," He said, making a face thinking about Louis.

"If he was rude you should've complained about him or something."

"No, I'm not going to get him in trouble for it."

"Whatever," Niall shrugged. "Oh, my friend Zac was asking about you again," He winked.

Harry just groaned. "Niall," He whined.

"What? I think it would be good for you. Just give him a chance okay? Just one date, for me?"

Harry sighed. "Fine. But just one date."

Niall squealed. "I'm so excited now. I'm going to give him your number okay?"

"Yeah, whatever." Niall left to text his friend while Harry continued to make their dinner. It's not that this Zac guy seemed like a bad person. In fact, from what Niall's told him, he seems rather nice, a perfect match for Harry almost. But the thing is, Harry really isn't looking to be with anyone right now. Not after how his last relationship ended.

The two friends ate dinner, Niall gushing about Zac the entire time, talking him up and how he and Harry would be great together. Harry just sort of picked at his food and nodded along. Niall did the dishes afterward while Harry went into his room to text Zac.

Unknown Number: Hey uh, it's Zac. Niall's friend.

Harry smiled. He seemed nervous.

Harry: Hi Zac. I'm Harry :)

Zac: Hey :) So, I was thinking maybe we could hang out sometime?

Harry: Sounds nice. When and where?

Zac: How about lunch. Friday 12 oclock at Flow's Diner?

Harry: I'll be there :)

Harry plugged his phone into the charger before flopping back onto his bed and putting Netflix on his laptop. He settled for Bob's Burgers, watching the show until he finally just fell asleep.  


A/N2: So, what do you guys think? Vote, comment, blah blah blah you know the drill!

-Ashley, Cult Leader x

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