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A/N: I will upload one more part today. Then two tomorrow. One before work and one after and same thing Thursday. Then I'll upload whatever is let throughout Friday. Despite the fast upload I'd still love comments and feedback on chapters and everything. Hope you guys are enjoying the story! x


"I can't breathe," Harry said fanning his hand in front of his face.

"Oh stop being dramatic," Niall said tossing Harry some clothes. He turned to his friend to see him genuinely wheezing though. "Jesus Haz," Niall said digging through Harry's desk and handing him his inhaler.

Harry took a few puffs before his breathing slowed down some. "I don't think I can do this."

Niall guided his friend to the bed and they sat down. "You're going to be fine. You have to calm down though before you pass out."

Harry relaxed for a few moments before nodding his head and standing up. "You're right. I have nothing to worry about. It's just Louis."

"Just Louis."

Harry smiled thinking about Louis. "I'm so going to fuck this up aren't I?"

Niall rolled his eyes. "Shut up and get dressed, you don't want to be late."

Harry nodded and grabbed the clothes Niall got out for him. Black skinnies and t-shirt that says, B Team. It was a Marianas Trench t-shirt. He took a few deep breaths. He can do this. It's just Louis. The rude employee he's been arguing with for a while now. It's going to be okay. "Wish me luck," Harry said sliding his converse on.

"Good luck. Text me!" Niall called.

Harry drove the fifteen minute drive to the fair that was in town. He parked further out in the lot, not wanting to deal with all the cars that were already crammed together. Plus it gives him a few extra minutes to get his head together. He slowly made his way to the back gate, not seeing Louis yet. He stood there for a little bit. Smiling at the people that passed him. He looked over at all the rides and kids running around having fun. He checked the time on his phone to see it was fifteen minutes past the time they said they would meet up. Harry was beginning to think Louis might not show. "Fuck me," He sighed, feeling hurt.

"Let's at least go on our date first."

Harry smiled and looked up to see Louis standing there. He was happy to see him but even happier that Louis referred to this as a date. "I was starting to think you stood me up."

"How could I stand you up Twinkle Toes?" Louis smiled, linking arms with Harry and leading him in. Louis bought them wristbands so that they could go on the rides as many times as they wanted. Harry's heart was racing. He didn't think Louis would be such a gentleman.

They were walking around trying to decide what ride they wanted to go on first. Harry glanced over at Louis. He looked like a totally different Louis tonight. He was wearing a pair of vans with black skinnies as well, rolled at the ankle, and a white shirt that has a red MGK written across the chest. His hair looked so soft as well, swept across his forehead in the usual fringe. He was stunning. "Like what you see?" Louis smirked, looking at Harry out of the corner of his eye.

Harry blushed and looked away. "Uh, what does the MGK stand for?"

"Machine Gun Kelly. He's a rapper."

"Never heard of him. Not really my type of music."

"I'll have to show you him some time. He's really good and raps about some deep stuff. In one song, A Little More Love, he talks about how the world is falling apart. How a girl committed suicide after being bullied at school, but everyone would rather gossip about what famous people are doing."

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