Face Claim - Jordan Fisher
[P R O F I L E]
Full Name - Kayden Cory Matthews
Age - 13 (Season 1)
Date Of Birth - September 24, 2001
Lives In - Greenwich Village, New York
Nationality - American
Ethnicity - African American, Caucasian (Mixed Race)[A P P E A R A N C E]
Eye Color - Hazel
Hair - Long Curly Brown
Skin Tone - Tan
Height - 5′ 7″
[R E L A T I O N S H I P S]
Father - Shawn Hunter
Adoptive Father - Cory Matthews
Mother - Angela Moore
Adoptive Mother - Topanga Matthews
Adoptive Brother - Auggie Matthews
Adoptive Sister - Riley Matthews
Love Interest - Lucas Friar
Best Friend - Maya Hart
Good Friend - Farkle Minkus
Friend - Mason Daniels (Original Character)
Friend - Zay Babineaux
Friend - Isadora Smackle
[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
A lot can be said about Kayden Matthews, but perhaps most important is that he's fun-loving, open, and Intelligent. Of course, he's also kind, spontaneous and capable. His caring nature though, this is what he's pretty much loved for. Oftentimes people will count on this and his warmness especially when they need comforting or support. Nobody's perfect of course Kayden has less pleasant traits too, His sometimes unbubbly personality can cause people to gravitate away from him. He also makes fun of the people he loves the most giving them the impression he doesn't love them. Fortunately, his openness reassures them that he means well.
[E X T R A S]
School - John Quincy Adams Middle
Affiliations - JQA Cheerleading Squad, JQA Choir, JQA Drama Club, Matthews, Hart, and Matthews Umbrella Foundation
Talents- Singing, Songwriting, Writing
Extra Info - In this story he struggles with sexuality.
(A/N (Author's Note):If you don't like to read stories with homosexuality please leave without any hateful words. Thank you enjoy the story!)
Seeing The World In Color (Girl Meets World Seasons 1-3)
Romance-✾-When Kayden Shawn Matthews was just a baby he was given away by his mother and father to their best friends Cory and Topanga Matthews. Cory and Topanga took him in and raised him with their two other children Riley and Auggie Matthews. Now Kayden...