Chapter 3: The Stores Offer

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Why...I know that my life has been busy with anime...but I should know that family should go first.

Finally after feeling guilty for 30 minutes I finally arrived to the store. Now to do my job...okay what is first...Okay first on the list is plastic forks,knifes,spoons, and napkins...

Finally! The last thing on the list foam plates. I started heading toward the area that had those things when I saw in the conner of my eye something... amazing! It was the thing I have been looking for in the past 2 hours the PERFECT gift for Emelee. It was a limited edition Spirit Animal Toy that she was looking for. I ran to it and looked at the price.


I got really mad but I took it with me to see if there was a sale for it.

After getting the foam plates I headed toward the register to buy everything in my cart. I was hoping that there was a sale for the toy. After 20 more minutes of waiting I finally got to buy my stuff.

"Okay this would be a total of $90." Said the cashier.

The funny part is that she looked like my sister. I'm probably going crazy today, especially with the stress.

" is $40. Is there a way that I can help you guys to trade in for the toy?" I said.

"Why yes, even though you have no training I need you to take care of my shift until 1 o'clock. Okay?"

"Okay deal." I said.

I took over her shift until 1 o'clock but the bad thing is that I had to do rush hour for 40 minutes which sucked...but I guess its worth the stupid toy.

"Thank you for taking over my shift!" The cashier said.

"No problem. Now can I have my part of the deal."

"Yeah about that....I lied now go take your things and leave." The cashier said.


"Leave or I will call guards to kick you out." She said

"Fine..." I said and I left.

I should have seen that coming she was acting I have nothing to give Emelee...

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