Chapter 6: SURPRISE!!!!!

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After Giselle left my parents came back soon after. I just sat on the couch while my dad looked around the room in awe. While my mom as always was on a tight schedule.

"Okay every body the party starts in less that an hour so let's see what else we have to do...OH! Amanda here is the gift bag for your sisters gift." Said mom.

"Oh..uh...thanks!" I said as I took the gift bag.

I ran up stairs in my room then locked the door. I jumped into my bed and cried. I cried that I could not give my sister the perfect gift. After everything I did, I couldn't get it. Its just not fair.


It was now 3:50 pm. I was still in my room but not crying. I just sat there and just started to look at the balloon with SO MUCH ANGER THAT I COULD NOT GIVE HER THE PERFECT GIFT!!!!

How did she get me the perfect gift but I can't? It does not make sense...UGH!

I hear my mom which makes me lose my train of thought.

"Amanda! I need you down stairs someone is here to see you!" Said my mom.


I ran down stairs hoping that it is not my sister. And weridly enough it was the...cashier?!?!?

I walked up to her and said "Why are you here?"

"Hey kid just be happy that I am." She said.

"And why should I be?" I said.

"Because... I felt bad that I kicked you out and that you deserved your side of the deal. Also that today is your sisters birthday so you needed this as your "perfect" gift for her." She said with a hidden grin and handed the toy to me.

"I....don't....know what to say..."I said.

"Say nothing kid. It is something I needed to do."she said awfully loudly.

Then all of a sudden she just ran away. That was werid...

"Amanda! Close the door the party is about to start!" Said my mom.

I closed the door and went to my room to put the toy in its bag, along with the other things I bought. Wait.

How did that cashier know it was my sisters Birthday?

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