Part 1- Brain damage

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"My name's Cinna, I'm 15 years old, and I live in Portland, Oregon." The doctor nodded. "Alright, your memory is tarnished but not completely gone." She looked down at her clipboard. "But you will need to attend the 6 month class to regain everything that you have forgotten," the doctor handed her a piece of paper. It read: 'On January 7th join us at 3141 Eastridge way for free brain exercises.'

Cinna looked at the doctor puzzled "Brain exercises?" Cinna could remember about everything. She new she went to Lincoln High School where she had lots of friends and she remembered all their names there was Alice, but then realized that she had no clue why she was here in the first place. As she handed the paper back to the doctor she said "I don't need this." The doctor started explaining that she will remember most things but she doesn't remember what caused this memory loss. But Cinna interrupted her before she could finish. "I remember everything. I know my name, where I live, my age, my school, my friends ,and my life." She looked at the name tag on the doctor, she was Dr. Chatman.

"That is what we expected. In your brain, inside the medial temporal lobe is the region of the brain known as the limbic system, which includes the hippocampus, the amygdala, the cingulate gyrus, the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the epithalamus, the mammillary body, and other organs; many of which are of particular relevance to the processing of memory. We believe that the temporal lobe is damaged an..." she was cut off again by the impatient teenager sitting on the examination table, "I'm not supposed to be here I know everything" Cinna said impatiently wanting to get out.

"Then how did you get here, who brought you here?" She thought but she could not remember. How did she get to this place and more importantly why?

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