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Flashback to first grade
It was Riley's seventh birthday. The one birthday that consisted of ponies and fairy princesses. Her best friend, Farkle, was currently planning on doing something very special for Riley, his best friend that he was secretly in love with. The one he shared secrets with, was her shoulder to cry on, and her loyal steed, except not the actual horse. In the back of the school yard, Farkle had been planning to hide behind the tree and surprise her with a birthday kiss. Thing was, he had to do it secretly or else someone would tattle tale on him. So, at lunch, he asked Riley to sneak with him outside to the school yard. Since Riley was what you called a goodie goodie, it had to take a lot of convincing to get her to come with him. Farkle was anxious inside. He knew how young the two best friends were, but he just couldn't help it. He felt as if he was bottling his feelings up inside. So, when they were finally behind the tree. Farkle caressed Riley's cheek, admiring her complexion in her features. He knew deep inside as well as everyone else that she was the most beautiful girl in school. He kissed her on the lips, his plan succeeding. However, his planned failed when he heard the sound of a whistle. Frightened, Farkle looked up to find red head tattle tale Fred, aka the leader of the student senate in their grade declaring,"they are over here!"
Farkle was so embarrassed. His nightmare was just getting worse. His arch nemesis, Lucas, also known as his school bully, came from behind Fred. He went up to Farkle, angered by rhe move he made on Riley. Lucas pulled his underwear from out the back of his pants, giving him a wedgie. Not to mention the entire class came out and bursted out laughing. Lucas did this for fun cause he knew Farkle liked Riley, and had deep feelings for Riley himself. Farkle saw Riley blushing, pitying him at this moment. Farkle scurried all the way home, since the school wasn't far from his house. He made the worse decision of his life, which was he could never talk to Riley Matthews ever, ever again.

Eight years later-freshman year
It was Riley's fifteenth birthday. This time, different from first grade, her birthday consisted of boys and cute outfits from the mall. Basically every girl's dream. The first thing Riley woke up to was her alarm clock blaring right next to her, and her hand down right slammed the button to turn it off, irritated. Her window opened, and her best friend Maya was the first one to appear so she could wish her a happy birthday.
"I better be the first one to be wishing you a happy birthday!" Maya declared, jumping on top of the bed to fully wake Riley up. Riley moaned, but impressed by how Maya was actually willing to wake up early. When comparing the two, Maya was the troublemaker of the dynamic duo while Riley was the princess. Without one another, the two wouldn't be able to survive school.
"Lucky me, it's on the first day of school actually." Riley muttered, and got herself up from the bed. The first thing she did was check to see any updates or messages from people from school who've wished her a happy birthday. Although, they didn't. Riley sighed. Ever since Farkle ran away from her in first grade, he never spoke to her again. The two have delegated into separate ways. Riley never wanted this to happen, she just took it as how it was her fault since he was avoiding her. Now? She was dating Lucas Friar, the all star jock in high school. The two have been dating for a total of two years, and let's face it: Every girls dream was to be her. Every couple wanted to be like them, Riley and Lucas were everyone's goals.
"What's wrong, Riles? You shouldn't be unhappy on your birthday." Maya pointed out, playfully punching her in the arm.
"I know, it's just.."
"Farkle?" Maya asked in advance. Riley just glanced at her, and Maya smirked.
"Loving two guys at the same time ain't easy Riley, I know it myself." Maya admitted.
"Yeah." Maya responds with a frown.
"But it's not really that." Riley says, but before she could finish her sentence, she was cut off when her mom came into her room.
"Riley, hurry up birthday girl don't want to be late for your first day of school!" Her mom rushed, and Riley quickly slipped on whatever clothes that were available. She went out of her room along with Maya and was surprised to find a stack of pancakes covered in icing and sprinkles was handed to her.
"Enjoy your special birthday breakfast!" Her mom insisted, and kissed her on the cheek. Her dad came from out of the bathroom along with her little brother Auggie. As Riley went to the dining table along with Maya, she noticed that the two had smirks on their faces. Her Dad had shaving cream beards that spread out across his entire face, and Auggie did too. Riley knew what this meant.
Before Riley could escape whatever plan her family had hatched up, her dad and brother simply pecked her on opposite sides of her cheeks.
"Happy Fifteenth!" Her dad exclaimed, and Riley rolled her eyes.
"Dad, shaving cream is all over my face! Now I'm going to be late for the first day of school." Riley complained, and headed to the bathroom to wipe the shaving cream off her face. When she came out of the bathroom, she finished eating her pancakes, and took the train that led her and Maya to the high school. Like always. Her dad could of drove them since he was the teacher, but Riley preferred the train over any other available transportation.
When Riley showed up to school with Maya, she had a knot forming in her stomach. Something wasn't right. When Riley noticed a group of guys near her, one of them appearing vaguely familiar to her. She realized that it was Farkle. He was laughing at some joke his friends were making, and caught Riley looking at him, causing her to glance away.
Coincidentally, Riley's boyfriend Lucas had come up to her,  surprising her with a kiss.
"Hey Riley." He greeted, showing his affection to her. Of course, as always, at the sight of Lucas the girls nearby all swooned head over heels for him.
Riley waited for Lucas to wish her a happy birthday, but as always, Lucas forgot. Why was Riley even with him in the first place?
"Hey Lucas, did you forget something?" Riley asked, bringing up the subject.
"Forgetting something? What did I forget silly?" Lucas joked, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Riley didn't respond, but instead gritted her teeth, trying not to convey out some smart remark. In the corner of her eye she noticed that Maya was about to punch him in the face.
"Oh Lucas, you're such a huckleberry. Why did Riley have to date you anyway?" Maya asked, establishing her come back at Lucas, which made him go up to her.
"Oh, Maya, Maya, Maya." Lucas said, a smug forming across his face.
Crap. Her best friend and her boyfriend were about to start a rumble right here in the hallway. Before anything could happen, Riley's cousin Joshua Matthews gets in front of Maya.
"Think of hitting her and I swear to god with all my might you jockstrap I'll hurt you." Josh threatened. Riley remembered that was one of the guys Farkle hung out with.
"Make me Matthews." Lucas says, the two getting in each other's face.
Just then, Riley's dad came to the rescue as always.
"Guess who's going to earn themselves a detention if they don't head to class?" Her dad remarked, which split up Josh and Lucas.
"This isn't over Friar." Josh promised, and the two heading to their classes. Of course, the crowd diffused.
"Now I see why Feeny enjoyed teaching the students so much." Her Dad says, sipping his cup of coffee. Since her first hour was with her dad, she headed to class with him. When Riley noticed that  she had no other place to sit, the only place she could sit in was in front of the one and only Farkle Minkus.
Great. This is going to be awkward, Riley thought. So, Riley took the opened seat. That's when she realized that Maya was sitting next to her.
Riley couldn't help but imagine how Farkle was staring at the back of her head. Since it was the first day of school, her dad, or who went known by as Mr. Matthews, her dad was quizzing everyone in the class room to prep for their first practice test tomorrow.
"In the 15th century, what important items in the trade did Western Europe and Africa exchange?"
Before Riley could answer that question, Farkle was the one to answer it.
"Sugar, tobacco, coffee, and firearms. Most notably, slaves." Farkle answered. Riley remembered one thing she admired about Farkle was about how smart he was. Riley turned around so she could look at him. Farkle was staring at her too, and for a long time, the two held a gaze that no one could describe. Was it love? Was it pure hate? Was it awkwardness? Or just a look?
Riley's dad, or Mr. Matthews, eventually broke off the gaze between them when he said Farkle's answer was correct.
Riley turned away, smiling a little.
After a long day of school, Maya insisted that Riley had to go to the coffee shop. She knew what this meant. A surprise party for my birthday. She knew it since Maya was smirking when she told me, but to make her satisfied, Riley didn't do anything to disrupt Maya's plan.
Riley remembered her mom was working today at the coffee shop she owned named after her, which was Topangas.
And little did Riley know that she saw something she didn't want to see, which was Lucas kissing Missy Bradford right when she walked in. Lucas looked as if he was enjoying it too.
"Lucas!" Riley yelled, getting ready to scold him. Lucas let go of Missy, his eyes widening at the sight of Riley standing there and who caught him red handed.
"Riley, I can explain." Lucas says, trying to excuse himself from the situation.
"Why did you kiss her?" Riley cried, leaving Lucas speechless.
"I've been in love with someone else, alright?" Lucas confessed. Been in love? Riley was furious. This had been going on for longer than she thought. Riley rushed out the door, her emotions getting the best of her in public.

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