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The next day at school Riley woke up to the sound of a knock at her window. Riley thought it was Maya like always, but remembered that Maya didn't bother to even knock on her window. She just slipped in like always. Riley found Farkle instead, and he seemed a little bit nervous to knock on her window. She went to go open it and asked him why he just didn't take the front door.
"I didn't want to accidentally wake up anyone." Farkle excused, but Riley knew there was more to it.
"You wanted to be like Maya didn't you?" Riley crossed her arms and smirked, waiting for Farkle's response.
"Yes." Farkle responded and just grinned.
"Well your face is too squishy and you're too much of an adorable softie to be like Maya. She's too rebellious and is like a peach; far more good in this world then she really thinks. That's why I call her peaches." Riley pointed out, and Farkle pretended to be disproved, when he really was smitten when Riley called him adorable.
Farkle walked out with Riley to find her parents cooking breakfast. Cory was the first one to notice Farkle's presence.
"Farkle, unusual to see you here this morning." Cory acknowledged, making Auggie and Topanga pop up their heads to see Farkle in their living room.
"Well yes Mr. Matthews, I just had to ask Riley a homework question. No biggie." Farkle insisted, and Cory just nodded.
"Alright. I believe you Farkle, I know you aren't like Lucas at all. In fact, I trust you more with my daughter than I ever did."
Farkle smiled and took it as a major compliment. If Mr. Matthews trusted him to be around Riley, he had to be bound for Farkle to take her out on a date.
"Thanks Mr. Matthews, I appreciate that a lot sir." Farkle stated, and Cory nodded.
"Well, you going to eat up guys or what? Breakfast is getting cold." Topanga reminded.
Riley and Farkle headed to the table to eat their breakfast which was pancakes. Maya popped in through the door like always, and was about to ask why Riley wasn't answering her Bay Window, until she saw the sight of Farkle sitting with her best friend. Maya smirked. Riley turned in her seat to face Maya waiting for whatever remark her best friend hatched up.
"I see that it's getting cozy up in here." Maya pointed out, planting a seat in between Farkle and Riley who sat there completely awkward.
"Well, looks like it's almost time to go. Come on guys." Riley insisted, getting a hold of both Maya and Farkle then dragging them out of her apartment.
Riley only did that to keep it from getting the situation anymore awkward then it already was.
The three took the train too their school just like always, and Maya wouldn't stop questioning the two lovebirds with twenty questions. The conversation was basically:
"Are you guys dating?"
"Did you guys sleep together?"
"Why can't I believe you?"
"We would never do that." Riley said at last, answering the last question firmly and honestly.
When the Trinity got to school, Maya left the two alone. She didn't want to annoy them once more. Farkle was thankful that Maya left them alone. Now it was his chance to ask the girl of his dreams out.
"So, Riley remember how yesterday you said you wanted to have a date sometime? I was wondering that since today is Friday, and that maybe it could be... Ya know..." Farkle was stuttering at the last words.
"Tonight?" Riley finished. Her eyes lit up at the sound of his question.
"Yes." Farkle said with a smile.
"I'd love to Farkle." Her eyes sparkled and her pupils got bigger. Farkle knew what this meant. He knew Riley was falling for him hard; compared to Lucas she wasn't this happy when he asked her out. Little did Farkle know that Riley admired the way he was shy around her.
"Really? Sweet! I'll come over to your house around 7:30 tonight. Let's have it at the coffee shop." Farkle planned, and Riley's smile grew more wider to where there were dimples on her cheeks.
"Alright." Riley pulled a strand of hair out of her face and the bell rang. She couldn't but almost trip passed other people since Farkle was on her mind. It was like her mind took a picture, from the very moment he had asked her out.

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