My story

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My life people would say is perfect. But nobody knew what it truly was like. They would see me smiling everyday as my dad would drop me off at school. Then my mother picking me up. Every Sunday we would be in the front row at church with smiles on our faces. They were all fake. People think life is easier when you have money. Yeah my father makes great money being an owner of a huge company but they don't see that every night he comes home drinks till he can't stand, yells at my mother and me about how we never do anything, and sometimes he ven gets up and hits my mother and me but never hard enough to leave the bruise. My mother sits in her room all day crying about the death of my unborn brother and me I go to school everyday get the grades my parents want and even do the after school activists the wat me to be in. My parents control my life. I have no time to myself anymore. I barely get to see my best friend Cameron anymore. At school I'm always busy in clubs and studying for tests I never see him around anymore. At least everyday he leaves me a cheese burger in my locker from McDonald's with a note saying
              "You can do it!"

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