My New Best Friend?

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    I got out of the unfamiliar bed and looked around the room.
Green and Silver streamers hung from the ceiling and posters and pictures of nude and bikini-clad girls were plastered on the walls. Some were even girls I had attended Hogwarts with. Then I got a good look at the bed I had woke up in. Engraved on the bed-post was my name in Gold letters.
    "This can not be happening," I told myself. I grabbed some black dress-pants from the drawer and pulled them on. Then I removed my Black V-neck and jumped when I saw my chest. Branded on my right pectoral muscle was The dark Mark.
    All of Voldemort's followers had one, but why did I?  I put on a White, button-up shirt over it and hurried from the room. At the end of the hall was a staircase I knew too well. I was living at Malfoy Manor. In another life, I had been here one other time.
     It was me and my friends's Seventh year and we were hunting pieces of Voldemort's soul, otherwise known as Horcrux's. Anyways, we were discovered by a group of wannabee Death-eaters called Snatchers. They took us to this very mansion to turn us over to the dark lord. We only barely managed to escape with our lives.
     But Hermione, what happened here changed her. Draco's aunt, Bellatrix, she tortured her for information. It made Hermione stronger in a way though. I reached the last step and made my way to the front entrance.
     "Harry, what are you doing?" Draco asked, coming out of the door to the left. "Just getting some fresh air," I answered nervously. I so expected him to stun me or something. He smirked and rolled his eyes.
    "You could have asked me if I wanted to join you," he said. "I need to be alone," I answered. "Are you alright?" he asked with genuine concern. I never expected my enemy of 7 years to actually be concerned for me.
    "Yeah. I'm fine," I said, narrowing my eyes at him. "You sure?" he asked, clutching my shoulder and looking me over, "It's not that girl is it. Was she disease-ridden?" I widened my eyes at him. "Come on Harry. You have to be careful who you're sleeping around with!" he exclaimed.
   "No, it's not that," i said frantically. "Then what is it? You can tell me anything. You know you're like a brother to me," he smiled. "Since when?" i asked, the words sort of slipping out. "What do you mean? We've been best friends since Fourth year. I was the one that introduced you to the dark lord. I had even been the one to kill Dumbledore for you," he said.
    "You killed Dumbledore?" i asked. "Not according to the world. I mean, I don't know how they would react to finding out that their grand dictator's greatest defeat had been the work of someone else," he smirked. "Grand Dictator?" i gasped. "What else do you call the most powerful wizard in the world. The one who killed the dark lord Voldemort and the majority of the Order," he said. "So I killed him in this life too," i told myself.
   "This life? Have you been snorting pixie dust again," he said, examining my eyes. "I don't understand? Look, I need to see Ron," I stated. "Weasley?" he asked. "Yes. Where does he reside?" i asked. "He resides in one of the many graves at Hogwarts. He was your first kill, Harry. Don't you remember?" he asked.
    My heart sunk. What had happened to this world? what had happened to me? Then it came to me. i remembered when I did it. I flashed back to it. "Harry, where have you been?" I heard Ron's voice, like he was right beside me.
    "I've been busy. I haven't had time for traitors," I hissed.
"Harry, you have to understand. I knocked you out and locked you in that closet, the morning of the Third task, because you asked me to," he said. I stopped, turned around sharply, and whipped my wand out of my pocket, then aimed it at his chest.
  "You lie!" I spat. "Your black-out. Your first one. I told you that you just spaced off. It was a lie. You told me not to tell you what you told me. You told me all about The Triwizard Tournament and that I would be saving you, if I locked you in the closet when I did," he said. "He lies," the menacing voice of Voldemort spoke in my ear.  "You betrayed me," I spat, my eyes burning from the tears that wanted to fall. "Harry your eyes, they changed colors. Wait, this isn't you. get out of his head, Voldemort," he yelled.
   I closed my eyes and when i opened them again, Ron was on the ground, with his throat slit. "No no no," i stated and got next to him. I held his wound and started sobbing. "I'm sorry," he said and he went still. I let go of his throat and hurried away.
   I flashed back to reality and Draco stared at me cautiously. "Yes I remember," i sighed, letting a single tear roll down my cheek. "Are you alright?" he asked. "I'm fine. Look, I need you to know. Is Dennis or Colin Creevey still alive?" I asked.
   "The last I heard Dennis had survived. Why?" he asked. "I need you to locate Dennis. When you do, make him tell you where Colin's camera and all of his photos he took of Hogwarts, is," i said. "I don't understand," he said. "Just trust me," I exclaimed and he sighed, then nodded.

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