The festival

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The streets are lined with stalls and food stands, there are even some rides and games. I grin I feel like a little kid again. I can remember when me and my friends would go to the carnival back home, it was so much fun our families gave us coins to play all the games. One year sticks out in particular, me and Shadou were just having some fun playing games until I hit the game clerk in the eye with a ping pong ball. It was hilarious but he didn't think so. I sense Amaimon staring at me and I glance at him. He quickly looks away as if something caught his attention.
"What?" I frown.
"Amaimon." I playfully shove him, "why were you staring at me?"
"I wasn't," he grins shoving me back.
"Fine be that way," I giggle. "Look at that ride!" I point to this huge tall thing, it's really colorful and spins all around while swinging upside down. "Do you want to ride it?"
"Okay," Amaimon nods a little excited.
I drag him over in line, we get on quickly and take seats beside each other. Once the ride starts everyone is laughing or screaming, it feels like I'm being tossed around in the air by a giant or something!
After the ride we go on a few more then stop to grab a snack.
"Hey Amaimon wanna play some games?"
"Yes," he actually smiles. "I'm going to win."
"Well we'll just see about that," I smirk.
Turns out Amaimon was actually right, he beats me at every single game we play.
He has at least ten stuffed animals and other little prizes now, his arms are full. He looks so funny trying to carry it all so I offer my help. We walk till we find a small picnic table and set everything down, the Suns starting to go down meaning the parade and fireworks are going to start soon.
I crawl up and sit on the table rather than the bench, easier for me to see over the tons of people's heads cause though I hate to admit it I'm not the tallest person ever. Amaimon comes and sits next to me, I smile at him. The parade is amazing the floats glow in the sunset and are huge! There's a play going on to, it's taking place between the first two floats. I've never seen anything like this before it's really amazing! Amaimon watches intently trying to capture all that's going on, I'm glad he seems to be enjoying himself I wasn't sure he would.
"Y/n?" He looks at me suddenly.
"This is fun, today was fun." He smiles.
"I'm glad you think so," I giggle.
Our conversation is cut short by the boom of a firework. I look up into the sky excitedly motioning for Amaimon to do the same. He frowns but obeys. The sky lights up in a wonderful show of colors I love it!
My neck starts to hurt after a little bit so I lay back on the table, Amaimon glances at me and does the same. Tonight is the perfect night for the fireworks, the sky is cloudless and the moon is shining brightly. I honestly just can't imagine doing anything else right now,
I'm very content. Without really thinking I find my hand slipping into Amaimon's, our fingers lace together. He doesn't seem to care for that I'm thankful. I give his hand a small squeeze to see if he'll react, he squeezes my hand back, I think I see him smile. The fireworks continue for awhile, the finally is the best part it's like a rainbow exploding into the night. Once it's over  the crowds of people begin to work their way to their homes, after collecting our mound of things Amaimon and I join them, we don't say anything as we make our way home.
The school area is deserted, I can not wait to get to my dorm. The walk back wasn't bad but my feet are killing me after roaming the festival all day. As soon as we're back I quickly dump my arm full of stuff on the table and run to jump on my bed, I'm exhausted! Amaimon laughs at me as I'm "attacked" by Behemoth, guess I don't need to shower anymore. So much slobber, but I get a laugh as Amaimon has the same fate. He jumps on the bed to get away from the happy goblin. I laugh nearly toppling to the floor. Behemoth shortly gets caught up in exploring our festival loot, I think about changing but that would mean getting up again. It's just not worth it. Amaimon looks at me as I crawl under my blankets, "what?"
"Nothing..." He lays back.
"Come on, you're thinking about something."
He sighs, "it's not important."
"Amaimon, please tell me?"
"It's you."
"What? What's me?" I frown.
"I'm thinking about you."
"Oh. What about me?" I don't mean to pry but I can't help but to be curious.
"You're strange," he shrugs.
"I get that a lot," I giggle.
He's silent until I reach out and poke his nose. "boop," I smile.
He grabs my wrist as my hand moves away, "what was that for?"
"No reason just felt like doing it," I snicker. "You should get some sleep to okay?" I can't help but yawn.
"I'll think about it," he lays down too after releasing me.
"Goodnight Amaimon." I mumble closing eyes.
"Goodnight y/n"

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