Amaimons pov.

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"So you want me to pretend to be y/n's husband," I stare at my brother curiously. He called me here after he came back from the Vatican, he said it was important but I don't see how this is more important than my snack shopping.
"That's right," he nods. "Normally I would try to find someone more fitting for such a task but it seems my options are rather limited to you right now."
"Why? Call father or our other brothers I don't want to do it." I walk back and forth across the room I'm restless as usual and behemoth is chewing on Mephisto's collectibles again. "It sounds far to boring."
"I thought you were growing fond of little y/n?"
"She's another source of entertainment that doesn't  mean I won't grow bored around her." I lie smoothly keeping a straight face, it's not hard to lie I barely have those emotions humans talk about constantly. Yet I can not hide the fact I for some reason have a sort of attachment to y/n, she doesn't bore me and she's unusually nice to both me and my behemoth.
"What if I offer you the chance to play with Rin?" Mephisto looks up at me.
"Hmm I'm not interested."
"I see," he frowns. "I assume you'll disobey an order won't you?"
"Don't I always?" I stick a lollipop in my mouth, they're my favorite. I bite it lightly to hide any emotion that would creep into my expressions.
"I'm going to have y/n come to discuss this with us," he smirks. "I believe we may be able to work out an arrangement that way."
"Fine, that doesn't mean I'll change my mind." I shrug. I hate my brother sometimes, he knows in some way I care about y/n. He's going to make me agree somehow not that I wouldn't be delighted to spend more time with y/n but I don't want her to think I'm doing this because I have to.
She knocks on the door a few minutes later, her dorm is only a short distance away I'm not surprised she arrived so soon after Mephisto called her. Mephisto tells her to come in, she smiles when she sees me. I wave before looking down, Mephisto is chuckling behind me, I clench my fists. I hate being laughed at!
She sits in a chair by Mephi's desk, she looks totally calm I must say I'm impressed most people in her shoes would be screaming in total panic. I catch myself glancing at her when I get the chance curious to see if she's faking her relaxed appearance.
"Soooooo what's going on that's more important than my Anime?" She looks up to my brother.
"I believe I've found a way to solve our little issue" Mephisto walks towards me. I have no idea how y/n is going to react to this idea, I just hope she doesn't hate me afterwards. "The Vatican wants you to be married to a royal and we have two right here though Amaimon is much more believable to pass as your husband."
Of all the reactions I never expected the one she has, she's laughing: Mephisto and I share a stunned look as we watch her gain control of her outburst.
"You guys are serious aren't you?"
"Of course it's a logical solution we can have him act as your husband until the Vatican believe us then we can stop the act." Mephisto frowns, "however there's always the option of trying to contact the others."
"Well I guess I don't have much choice do I?" She giggles, "Do we have to have a ceremony?"
"No, that's not necessary. I assume you accept our solution for now?" Brother stands in front of her now.
"Oh what the heck sure," she looks at me a grin spreading across her face. "I'm sorry in advance that you have to be stuck with me as a wife even if it's not for real."
Mephisto laughs quietly, I'm starting to think y/n has been around him for to long. I feel nervous now which is odd I've never been like this, I don't know how to respond to her so I stay silent.
"Well now that that's settled you two should go discuss living arrangements."
"Oh we'll be living together now?"
"That is what married couples do darling."
"True," she gets up and starts to walk to the door. "Let's go make you a room Amaimon!"
When I don't move she comes and grabs my hand, I find myself being lead to the dorms.
"What if I make her my real wife?"
The thought strikes me as we reach her dorm, it's absurd really I highly doubt she would ever want that or agree to it but maybe I have a chance now.

A choice AmaimonxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now