Chapter 4

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"Levi, we need to talk." said Kole quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

"There's nothing to talk about." I said walking away.

"What happened to you?" He asked like he cared. If he did care he wouldn't of left.

I didn't answer.

"Why won't you talk to me?" He said.

I still didn't answer.

"Levi... Please talk. He said.

"Every night, every, I cried my self to sleep. Everyday when I was at the Displaced Persons camp I asked the same lady if there was any news about you being alive. Everywhere I carry a picture of me and you. And you didn't care to tell anyone you were alive! Koltaa you promised that you would never leave me or break my heart and you broke the promise." I said with tears streaming down my face.

"Levi, I never ment to leave you. They dumped me off in a pit outside of the camp I couldn't of just gone back. I think of you all the time you never left my mind. I'm sorry." He said like he meant it.

I just couldn't handle it.

"I have to go." I said through my tears.

He went over to a locker and hit it frustrated. He used to do that a lot.

I missed him a lot. I still do, I just don't know if I could trust him again. I wish I could it just not that easy...

Kole's P.O.V

I'm just so frustrated. Everything I said was true. I wish she could just tell me, I can understand that she's mad at me for what I did. I just wonder what happened to her. It must of been really bad.

I decided to go out and get fresh air.

As I got outside there was a large group of people circling someone.

Mitchell was probably getting into a fight with someone. He always did that.

As I walked over there someone yelled "Kick her!" He never beat up girls.

Then I got nervous and sprinted towards them.

He was beating up Levi.

"What are you doing?!!" I yelled at him.

"I'm showing a Jew what they get for going to a German school!" Mitchell said still hurting her.

"Stop!" I said going over to him.

"No." He said stubbornly.

"I said stop!" I said punching him in his face.

"Got it? Everyone go do something." I said madly.

"Are you okay?" I said crouching down so I can see her.

She slowly started to get up and shook her head.

"Levi, you have a black eye." I said slowly.

"I'll say I fell." She said taking her crutches from my hands.

As she got up she winced in pain.

Ring. Ring.

Everyone was talking about what just happened. Especially Molly.

As everyone got into the classroom, Levi was already there.

As Mr. Schindler came in everyone said " Good afternoon sir."

"Good afternoon class." He looked over the class to see if everyone's here and noticed Levi. "Levikatra what happened to your eye?"

"I fell." She said blandly.

"Mhm, I see." he said not believing what she said. "Lets start math now."

"Mitchell what is 46x7 divided by 3.

"107." he said smugly.

"good, levikatra what is 5x28 divided by 2.

"um..." she said biting her lip. it is cute when she does that. I wish that I could tell mr.schindler that she has dyslexia. he's really fast forward to thinking who's smart and who's stupid and he actually says in front of the class that.

"I don't know Sir. I'm sorry." she said feeling bad.

the class starts to laugh

"its 70, stupid!" Mitchell yelled.

she sank down in her seat and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"don't call her stupid, she didn't know the answer, get over it." I said madly.

"wow, don't get so worked up about it! Mitchell said with his arms up like he's surrendering.

after like 100 more questions the bell rang.

"class dismissed and tomorrow we are starting a new unit on the holocaust.

my fists clenched up and I gritted my teeth together.

I looked over to Levi and noticed that she froze in shock with tears down her face.

how could the school make us do a unit about that. the war ended 6 months ago cant they wait!!

then Levi came up to me and said ''I don't think I'm going to school tomorrow.''

''I don't think I'm going either."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2013 ⏰

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