Chapter 1

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Santana Lopez was the typical popular girl. She had many friends, but she only had two close ones. She wore makeup. She always looked her  best and anything less than perfect was unacceptable.
She was a Cheerio and had all the guys after even though she didn't swing that way. The hallways parted way for her and people were afraid. It's everything she's ever wanted. The only thing that she need was the Head Cheerio position and she got that when Quinn got knocked up.
Santana completely cut contact with Quinn when she was pregnant. She would not be associated with anyone of that sorts. It would lower her rank in the food chain and she was not about to let that happen. She could see Brittany looking back at Quinn and smiling. Sometimes, she'd make an attempt to try and go talk to Quinn, but Santana wouldn't allow it. Eventually, Brittany caught on and just ignored Quinn all together.
Looking back, what she did was cruel.
She had been sick for the past two weeks. She couldn't stand the smell of eggs at all. It made her sick just thinking about it. She thought that maybe it was just the flu. Then, she would get random bursts of emotion. One moment she would be mad and the next she was laughing. She cried once because Brittany didn't hug her when she saw her in first period. Her breast hurt to touch. In the back of her mind she knew that she might of been pregnant, but she refused to believe it. When she missed her period, she decided to take the test.
She now sat in her bathroom with three pregnancy test. All of them had a pink plus sign.
She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. She couldn't believe it. It wasn't possible. She refused to accept. They were just test. It could be a false positive. She'd go to the doctor.
She want to a doctor the next town over. There was no way she would go to the hospital in Lima. Everyone knew that she was daughter of the highly respected Dr. Lopez.
She took a blood test and waited for the results. She felt as if time was passing so slowly. It seemed like she had been there an eternity.
The doctor walked in.
"Well Ms. Lopez, you are pregnant. Congratulations." She felt her world stop when she heard those words. She had a baby inside of her. A thing growing in her. There was nothing to be happy about. She was teenager who managed to get knocked up. She had ruined her life.
She entered her home. Her mother was watching television. She pulled out the paper from her bag. Her mother would understand. If she accepted her when she came out then she could accept this. Well, at least she hoped her mother would accept it.
"Mami, read the paper." She handed over.
"Is this from school?"
"Just read it." She sighed. She looked at her mother's face. It was completely stoic till she got to the bottom where it confirmed she was pregnant. Her mother's eyes widened and she looked up at Santana.
"You're pregnant?"
"Yes. I'm so sorry, mami." She collapsed into her mother's arms and cried.
"It's okay, mi niña. It'll be okay." Maribel comforted. She rubbed her daughter's back.
"You're not mad?" Santana asked.
"No, of course not. I'm a bit disappointed, but what's done is done. I thought you liked girls, mija."
"I-I do."
"Then how did this happen?"
"I don't know. I guess I drank a little too much. I wasn't thinking straight. I was just horny."
""Well, you have to tell the baby's father and then you'll have to deal with the consequences." Maribel said looking Santana in the eyes. Santana nodded.
"I'll tell him tomorrow. I'm tired."
"Got to bed, mija. It'll all work out." She kissed the top of Santana's head. Santana trudged upstairs.
She closed the door and stared at herself in the mirror. She looked at her stomach. Soon, she would be huge. She pushed those thoughts to the back of her head. She'd deal with those problems when the time came.
The next day, she drove over to the guy's house. He  lived three cities over. She knew because she had been stalking all his accounts for any information that lead to him. Eventually, she found it.
She drove over and knocked on the door. A woman opened the door.
"Hi, I'm looking for Jason." She smiled.
"He's in his room. Are you a friend?"
"Yes. You must be his mother."
"Yes, I am. You can go on up. Third door on the right." She nodded. She could hear music coming from the room. She walked down the hall. Two girls came running up to her.
"Hi!" One of them smiled.
"Are you Jason's girlfriend?" Another asked.
"No. Im just a girl who happens to be his friend."
"Oh. What's your name?"
"My name's Sarah and her's is Janie. We're twins."
"Nice. I'm going to go now." She walked into the room.
"What the hell? How'd you find me?" He sat up.
"I have my ways. I wouldn't be bothering you if it wasn't important. Listen, I took a pregnancy test and I'm pregnant. I went to the clinic and got confirmed." She handed him the paper and the tests. He looked at them before shoving them back.
"No way. I'm not ready for this." He shook his head.
"You think I am?!"
"Get rid of it. I'll pay for it. Just get rid of it." He said not looking her in the eye.
"No." She shook her head.
"Keep it then, but I am not getting involved."
"Fine. Whatever."
"Get out." She didn't have to be told twice. She ran down the stairs and slammed the front door. She got into her car and she cried. She sat there for who knows how long and just cried.
There was tap on the window. It was his mother. She rolled down the window.
"Honey, why are you crying?"
"I-It's nothing." She wiped the tears away.
"Did he do something?" She contemplating telling her, but decided not to. If he was forced into fatherhood he probably wouldn't be a good father. She'd rather not subject her child to that.
"It's nothing. I have to go. My mom will be worried." She turned her car on.
"What did he do?"
"He'll tell you if he want to. Goodbye." She drove away.
She got home and burst into tears the moment the door closed.
"Didn't go ver well, did it?" Maribel frowned.
"No. He said he wasn't ready and told me to get rid of it."
"Do you want to get rid of it, Santana? If you do, your papi and I can pay for it." She squeezed Santana's hand.
"No, I don't want to get an abortion. I'm going to carry it to term."
"Okay, mija. Lo que tu quieras." Maribel nodded.
"Did you tell papi?"
"Yes. He knows. He's waiting for you in his office." Santana sighed and walked over to her father's office.
"Come in, Santana." She walked in and took a seat.
"Mama told you."
"She did and I just got to say that I am very disappointed." She hung her head. "But I'm behind you no matter what."
"I went to talk to the father."
"And what did he say?"
"He doesn't want it."
"You could give it up for adoption."
"I can't do that. You saw what happened to Quinn, papi. She got attached and then went on a downward spiral when she couldn't have Beth. I didn't want that to happen to me." She sighed.
"So you're keeping it."
"Yes, I'm keeping it."
"You know babies are a lot of work. Babies come with tons of responsibility. Are you ready for that?" He asked.
"I can do it, papa." She nodded.
"I have to talk to your mother." He stepped out. She sat there just staring at the wall. She put her head down and closed her eyes. She had gotten herself into a mess and this time she couldn't get out of it.
Her father and her mother entered.
"We've talked it over, Santana. You can keep the baby, but it is your responsibility. You will get up to take care of it at night. You will feed it. You will change its diapers. We will watch it once in a while, but we are not baby sitters. You will take full responsibility for it. Got it?"her mother spoke sternly.
"I understand, mama. Thank you." She smiled and kissed them not on the cheek.

So, I suddenly got inspiration to write another story. Yay! I have everything planned out for this one so it's highly unlikely that I'll remove this story like the last one. Y'all know what to do. Read, vote and leave a comment if you'd like to. Feedback is appreciated.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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