Chapter 1

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Euphie's POV

"Miss Haruna we have arrived"

I got out and thanks my driver and he drove away I look up well this is nice this school looks cool yeah I know I'm too old to go to school but it's for my safety I know someday I have to defeat that person

"State your name vampire"

Oh I didn't notice I already reach the gate and a silver haired boy is pointing a gun at me ... Bloody Rose

"I don't mean harm Mister Vampire Hunter ... I'm here to enroll"

I said and he stared at me but drop his gun and muttered 'follow me' we arrive at the headmaster's office

"Oh are you Euphemia Haruna ??"

The headmaster ask

"Yes ... I would like to stay in here"

I said and he smiled

"Yes you can !! You will be in night class since your a pureblood oh that makes you two pureblood the one is Kaname Kuran"

Kaname ? So his here ha ...

"I see ..."

I whispered

"Your uniform is in your dorm !! Zero kindly accompany Miss Haruna in the Moon dorm"

He said and I nodded Zero began leading me towards the moon dorm

"What are you ?? I didn't sense your pureblood aura awhile ago"

He ask while looking at me

"I can hide my aura and I'm not just a normal pureblood ... I rule all the vampires I'm the queen"

I said and we stop he look schock and soon relax he open the door for me and excuse himself I walk in and saw 6 vampires chatting they stop and look at me I let out my pureblood aura so they will recognize me

"M-my queen ..."

They said in chorus and kneeled down while bowing there heads

"It's okay ... I'm Euphemia Haruna nice meeting you"

I said and they introduce there selves

"I'm Aidou Hanabusa nice meeting you Lady Euphemia"

"Ruka Souen my queen"

"Akatsuki Kain my Lady"

"I'm Rima your highness" (forgot her last name !!)

"Shiki Senri queen"

This boy called Shiki looks like Rido I shrug it off and smiled at them and they blushed

"Euphie why are you here ???"

I turn around and saw Kaname the 6 aristocrats bowed down and they excuse there selves

"Why am I not welcome Kaname ??"

I ask and he shook his head and brought my hand on his lips and kiss it

"You have grown my Kaname"

I said while caressing his cheeks he took my hand and snuggled his head

"You didn't change you look stunning as ever Euphemia-sama"

He said and I chuckled I hug him and he hug me tight

"Didn't I tell you not to call me 'Euphemia-sama' ?"

I said

"Sorry ..."

He replied he lead me into my room so I will be alone it's nice I like to be alone

"Euphemia-sama please drink my blood"

Kaname said I stared at him

"Don't Kaname you have given your blood to me for years and now your on it again"

I scolded him I sat down on the bed and he look disappointed I patted the space beside me and he sat down

"Being with you is enough"

I whispered before kissing him on the lips

"Sleep beside me"

I said and we laid down and fell asleep


How was it guys ?! This is my second VK fanfic hope you will like it !!

Note : I won't be following the story line on Vampire Knight

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