falling in a endless supply of death and doom and hearts shattered souls crushed

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It has been moths since he had saved you from the burning exploded town and it was the day if the war you got your enchanted obsidian sword and armour ready to charge in

Herobrine:I have something for you when we get back just promise me you don't die?

I promise

You went through the portal and saw armies of endless humans some with magic some ready to destroy anything without hesitation then the two clash between the line crashing swords and he main fight was between Herobrine and notch and you teleport away and slice the necks off one had threw you back at the portal closed it behind you two this was the son of notch and you where on a cliff fighting you slip and held on you can't get up no one to hear your voice of cries this is it lava lake this is it he broke the cliff breaking it sliping you tword the lava lake you close your eyes and then prepared to die you felt your leg slowly getting burnt your body slowly but painfully enter the lava Herobrine runs into it you open your eyes and then prepared for your final words before you parish in the lava


Into the lava Herobrine runs into it refused to let you go he is to late

I love you too Lexi......

Fallen Kingdom (Herobrine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now