Accidental Love: Book One of the MARZ series

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 I didn't mean to fall in love. It was the last thing on my mind. Who comes to school to fall in love? Especially with somebody like him...   "So, I heard that Spencer was going out with somebody who is not me," Mariah shared in the car with her three closest friends: Me, Amayah, and Zariyah. We have all been the best of friends for years. Mariah just got her license the week before schools started and she automatically knew that meant that we would all be riding together for the rest of this year.   It was the first day of school. All of us were excited to get the school year started, except maybe Mariah now that she has heard bad things about Spencer, her boyfriend of over a year.   "Did you ask him about it?" Amayah asked.   "No, but I saw a conversation on Facebook between him and Ashley that seemed highly suspect," she replied.   "You should ask him about it," Zariyah chimed in," don't just assume based off rumors. That is how relationships get messed up."   "Yeah, and if he is cheating on you," I said, cracking my knuckles," I could always punch him in the throat for you." My face was serious, but naturally they all laughed and Mariah shook her head.   "Well, hopefully, Ryan that won't be necessary."   "It sucks we don't have any classes together except the one," Amayah changed the subject. We all sighed and frowned.               Last year we had almost all of our classes together, but this year, Mariah and Zariyah had advanced classes, and Amayah was on a schedule that allowed to her to be in band fourth block. The only class together we had was Theatre and we made sure that we had that class together so that we could all have the same lunch.               When we arrived at school the first thing we saw was Spencer waiting at the front entrance for Mariah. I heard her sigh as she noticed him too and proceed to hop out of her car. We all looked at each other knowingly, but didn't say anything. The next thing I saw was my boyfriend Damien. He was driving in just as we were getting out of the car. He spotted me instantly and parked beside Mariah. Zariyah and Amayah took no time disappearing when they saw Damien coming my way, each shooting me goofy glances as they walked passed. Mariah went and met up with Damien and I could see the stress in her face as she tried to figure out how to confront her about the situation.   "Hey, you," Damien said, doing a goofy little dance as he walked towards me, grabbing me at my waist and kissing my cheek.   "Hey," I said, with a smile.   "Are you ready for school?"   "Yes, but it sucks that we don't have any classes together this year. We have all the same classes, but at different times. What kind of foolishness is that?"   "Yeah," he said, looking off into the distance as if he wasn't really listening," that really is such a shame."   "Well, I will miss you," I said, playfully nudging him.   "I will miss you too," he said, putting his arm around me.               Damien and I have been together for around five months. We started dating a little before freshmen year ended and we spent every weekend of the summer together. He was slim and kind of short for a guy, but he was funny and cute. He was a goofy guy, but he was serious about playing football and about dancing. He was a really good dancer which gained him a lot of popularity. I was never the popular type. I really preferred to stay by myself. I had my small group of friends and that was enough for me. Damien, however, liked to be around a crowd. He always was surrounded by people, which forced me to become more known than wanted at this school.   "Hey Damien," some random stranger said, proving my point.               We walked into school together and he decided to walk me to my first block class.   "Which lunch do you have?" I asked him.   "First."   "Oh, dang, I have third. I guess I won't see you at all today, huh?"   "You will see me after school, but I will miss you."   "I will miss you too." I said, with a smile. He held my hand as we walked to the doorway of my first period physics class. I grunted in dread.   "I don't want to," I complained.   "Girl, get your little butt in class, and get good grades." He said, nudging me.   "Okay, okay," I whined," I am going." I walked into the classroom with another kiss on the cheek and I took a seat with my name on it.               I wasn't sitting down long before a pile of students walked in, talking and making noise. A few people I recognized from last year spoke to me and we had brief, irrelevant conversations about our summer. I looked to my right and saw a guy sitting next to me, but he wasn't talking to anyone. For a moment, I didn't say anything, but I couldn't help but look at him. He had curly brown hair and was really dark. He was tall and slim, like a basketball player. He had really nice, full lips and he had this little baby face.   "Hi," I said, after I realized I had been staring at him.   "Hey," he looked up at me and gave me a polite smile, forcing me to smile back.   "My name is Ryan. Are you new here?"   "Yes," he said, sitting up and turning to face me," my name is Lawrence."   "Well, it is nice to meet you Lawrence," I said, shaking his hands. His hands were soft, and about twice the size of my hands. The moment our hands touched I suddenly felt embarrassed, but I didn't know why. Maybe it was because I had such tiny hands and he probably thought that I looked like a third grader. Although I don't know why that mattered either.   "Okay, class," the teacher, charged in and said," the first thing we are going to do is assign Lab partners. All of your assignments will be done together. You will have to push your seats beside each other, so you better learn to like that person or it will be a long semester."               She started shouting out names, and I just glanced around the classroom. I looked towards the outside of the door, and the classroom across I realized that someone was waving at me. I narrowed my eyes and saw that it was Amayah. I smiled all excitedly and waved. We both had been seated right where we can see each other through the windows of the closed doors. She pointed to beside me at Lawrence and asked me who he was. I mouthed back that he was a new student and I tried to mouth his name to her, but she didn't understand. I sucked my teeth in frustration at her and she said to tell her after class and I nodded.               When I looked beside me I saw that Lawrence had been watching this commotion in confusion.   "Oh," I said with a nervous giggle," I was waving at my friend. We can see each other perfectly through the windows in the door, and she was talking to me.   "Yeah, it looked like you said Lawrence with your mouth."   "Yeah, she was asking me what your name was," I responded, and looked down, again feeling embarrassed.   "Lawrence and Ryan," the teacher called out, making me jump out almost completely out of my seat and I wasn't sure why. I looked at Lawrence and raised my eyebrows.   "Well, looks like we will be spending a lot of time together this semester miss Ryan," he said, louder than he had been talking before, and a chill ran down my spine. What was that about? I wondered. We both stood up to scoot our desks together, and I looked up at him in surprise.   "Wow, you are tall!" I exclaimed.   "I am not that tall," he said, awkwardly," I am only six feet, but I am not finished growing yet."   "Well, I guess I think you're really tall because I am only 4'11." He looked at me for a moment, and then fell out in laughter. I frowned at him.   "Sorry, but you are really short," he commented.               I shrugged. I was used to getting that. I was really short and I was skinny too. Not because I didn't eat, I ate more than most of my friends. I just never gained weight or got any taller. You would think I was a midget because I have been the same size since I was in fourth grade.   "Yeah, being short is my curse," I said, with a smile.   "Well, it's cute on you, so I wouldn't worry about it too much," he said shrugging off the subject, and sat down, opening his blue spiral notebook. I stood there for a moment and looked at him. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest, and I put my hands at my heart.   "Are you okay?" he asked.   "Yeah," I replied, and sat down," my chest just feels funny."               He looked at me, with sudden concern in his eyes until I gave him a reassuring smile. We started doing Physics work, which seemed more like math than science, pretty much immediately. It was the longest ninety minutes of my life. When the bell rang, I jumped up out of my seat to get out of there.   "I am definitely going to have to get myself a tutor," I complained, and a bunch of people passing nodded in agreement.   "Yeah, well, I will see you around, lab partner," Lawrence said, before exiting the room. I waved in response, and grabbed my things and hurried up to meet Amayah so neither of us would be late.   "Hey," she said, standing at my door when I walked out," how was first period?"   "Do you know how hard it is to have to deal with math and science mixed together in one class when you are still trying to wake up?"   "Oh, dang, that is tough marbles. I only have Geometry right now."   "I have geometry next with the same teacher."   "Well, good luck with that because that teacher is hard."   "Well, lucky me," I mumbled, staring into my class.   "Well, I will see you third block. That should be the fun block."   "Yeah, see you in there."               We parted ways and I walked dreadfully into my second block class. Surprisingly, it didn't seem to last that long. I think it is because each math problem took me like fifteen minutes just to answer. Math was not my subject. I knew a lot of people in there luckily, so while I was doing my work, I did a lot of talking and making my teacher upset, which was always fun. After class though, I practically ran to the theatre room. I passed by the senior hallway and saw Damien. He was standing in front of a classroom door with some girl. I thought about saying something, but decided to go to class instead, so I wouldn't be late on the first day of school to any of my classes, but I made a mental note to talk to him about that after school.               When I walked into the theatre room all of my friends were there, already. Including Spencer, who was sitting next to Mariah, holding her hand. Her face looked better than it did this morning so I assumed they worked out their issue. When I walked in the first thing everyone did was give me a face. So, I gave them a face, also.   "Okay," Zariyah said, once I had sat down," everyone, I am dying. These classes are trying to kill me. I don't think I would survive if it wasn't for this class with you guys."   "Right!" Mariah explained.   "Well," Spencer said," I have had a wonderful day, and I love all my classes." Everybody gave him a death glare.   "Nobody cares about your happiness," I said, snootily. I was awaiting a response, but then I looked up and was distracted.               Lawrence came wandering into our classroom. He didn't see us, or at least he didn't see me. He kept walking and sat in the corner of the room. He looked completely oblivious to his surroundings until a little girl went and sat beside him. They must have known each other because he suddenly shot with life and hugged her, and they began to converse. I watched them for a few moments, before realizing that someone was talking to me.   "Uh, hello, earth to Ryan!" Zariyah screamed.   "Oh, yes," I said, innocently.   "What on Earth are you looking at?" she said and everyone turned around in the direction of where I was looking.   "Oh, I see what she is looking at!" Amayah said, and smiled at me.   "I wasn't looking at anything."   "What was she looking at?" Mariah said, lifting her hands in exasperated confusion.   "That guy over there," she said, and pointed at Lawrence.   "Who is he?" Mariah asked, looking at me up and down with her special face she always gives.   "Nobody. He is in my first period. He is my lab partner. He is cool, I guess. I was just noticing that he was in this class too." I said, looking down at the table, trying my hardest not to look at Lawrence again.   "You were checking him out!" Zariyah yelled, and then Lawrence looked up at us.               We caught each other's eye, and I froze. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. He didn't look away either. After a few moments, he smiled and waved at me. I smiled and waved back, and then saw the entire table looking at me.   "I ought to tell Damien," Spencer said, playfully.   "There is nothing for you to tell him, so go right ahead. Although, if anything he has some explaining to do himself."   "Why do you say that?" everyone seemed to ask in unison.   "Oh, no reason. I just saw him in the senior hallway talking to some girl and they were a lot closer than I was comfortable with."               Before I could finish saying anything else, the theatre teacher, Mrs. Argiro, came in and began talking. Before we knew it we were all listening to her lecture about how this class would work and all the different things we would do in here. I kept glancing at Lawrence and looking away when he glanced at me. I really should stop looking at him before my friends think I have a crush or something.   "Okay, now everybody find a partner of the opposite sex for this next scene." She said, and I stood up and looked around at all the familiar faces, avoiding looking at Lawrence to see if he was partnered with the girl he was talking to earlier. Finally, I looked over there and he was standing still by himself. The girl had gone to someone else. All of my friends started partnering up so I walked over to Lawrence casually.   "Hey," he said," lab partners and acting partners?"   "I guess so," I said, shrugging my shoulders," since nobody else loves me." I said playfully and he laughed at me.   "Well, at least one person does," he said flirtatiously, and I thought about telling him that I had a boyfriend, but my mouth wouldn't open.   "Okay, you two," the teacher said, pointing at us and I noticed Amayah give me a look and nudge the others out of the corner of my eyes," you two can go first. It is time to take awkward situations out of this theatre class because you will have to do a lot of things in here that may take you out of your comfort zone. You two go stand in the middle of the stage."               We stood in the middle of the stage. I smiled at my friends, trying to hide my annoyance at their gaga faces.   "Okay, now you two are going to pretend you are in love," she said, and pointed towards the crowd," but you guys can't be together. She has to leave to go to Italy, and you want her to stay with you in America. Now, go." She sat down and looked at us and he raised his eyebrows at me. I shrugged my shoulders.   "I have to go," I said, turning slowly to turn away.   "Wait, baby, don't," he said, and my breath caught as he turned away," stay with me. We belong together, can't you feel it?"   "We hardly know each other," I stuttered," how could we both belong together?"   "I have known," he said, taking my hand in his," since the first moment I saw you, and heard your beautiful voice, and gazed upon that flawless smile that nobody on this planet could be more perfect for each other than you and me."   "I- I have to go." I stuttered. I tried to pull away, but he pulled me closer.   "No, you have to stay." He said, in an almost whisper. Our faces were so close that they almost touched. His eyes were looking dead into mine, and I didn't realize I wasn't breathing until I let out a huge shaky breath.   "That was absolutely perfect!" the teacher screamed," the passion was there, and the emotions were there!"               I wasn't listening to the rest of her rave about how good we were because I was still trying to process the whirling emotions I felt raging inside of me. He was a really good actor, I thought to myself. The intensity in his voice was still ringing in my head as if a bell had gone off in my head or something.               When we walked off the stage I approached my friends and they were all looking at me with raised eyebrows.   "Well, that was intense for two people who don't know each other." Amayah said, pointedly.   "He is just a really good actor."   "Well, you must be too, and I didn't know it because you seem really hot and bothered by his 'performance'."   "Well, shoot, I was hot and bothered by that performance. That was good." Zariyah said, and we all laughed. Well, everyone except for me. I suddenly felt weird. I glanced up to where Lawrence was, and he, at that same moment looked dead at me, and my heart skipped a beat. What on Earth is going on with me?   After third period we went on to go to lunch, and then I decided to send Damien a text message. As I sent the message, I smiled. I remembered how last year, he would text me all the time during class after lunch and we would have the funniest conversations.   'How is school?' I sent and proceeded to talk to my friends during lunch.               For the majority of lunch, I kept looking at my phone. I really just wanted him to text back. I wanted him to more than usual. Why was that? I suddenly felt like I needed a reassurance that we were doing okay in our relationship. Was it because of that girl I saw him with? Or was it something else....


Hey, thanks for reading this!! This is my first upload and i Honestly had NO idea what to write, but please please PLEASE comment and tell me what you think!!! Please and thank you:) And rate and stuff. I also will have another book that has nothing to do with this series of MARZ, so please check it out!!

Accidental Love: Book One of the MARZ seriesWhere stories live. Discover now