Chapter 2

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School went by slow after lunch. I wanted school to be over already so I could hop in the car with Damien and we could go out to eat like we had planned last week. When the bell finally rang I sprung out of my seat in History and headed straight for the bathrooms. I began to apply my make-up and stuff on like I had this morning only making sure it was more precise and making sure that I had on my good tasting lip gloss. I looked at myself in the mirror at my big, gleary brown eyes. My hair was cut short and straightened and I had a really big smile. I had a brown skin tone and my eye lashes were maybe a little bit longer than the average.

             I hurried and tried to fix my hair before walking out of the girls’ bathroom. The moment I stepped out, I ran right into Zariyah.

“Dang, you are excited to see you some Damien aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am,” I said,” we haven’t hung out in the past couple weeks. We have been so busy and stuff.”

“Well, good for you.”

“You headed to Mariah’s car?”

“Yeah, they already waiting on me. Amayah sent me a text with tude and stuff.” I laughed, and we both walked out of the school building together.

            When we went our separate ways, I walked directly towards Damien’s car that he had pulled up to front of the building so I wouldn’t have to walk to the parking lot. I smiled as I hopped into his truck.

“Hey babe,” he said, with a smile.

“Hey,” I said,” how was school?”

“It was great,” he said, as he drove off,” what about for you?”

“It was straight,” I said, and shifted uncomfortably,” hey, um, I texted you today.”

“Oh, you did? I must not have gotten it. My phone is full of crap.”

“Oh, well can I see your phone? I will see if you can get messages now.”

“Uh, my phone is dead.”

“When did it die?”

“I forgot to charge it last night, so it died in first block.”

“Well, maybe that is why you didn’t get my text.” I offered, and he just nodded in agreement. I rolled my eyes at his slowness and looked out of the window.

            We were pulling out of the school parking lot and I saw Mariah’s car go into the opposite direction. I suddenly got sleepy and decided to try and lie down and sleep, but instantly Damien started talking about football season and his church dance performances. He was inviting me to all kinds of games and performances and I just said I would go to be supportive, even though I really didn’t want to.

            We pulled into O’Charleys which is his favorite restaurant. We walked in holding hands and sat down at a restaurant.

“Oh, yeah,” I said once we were seated,” Did you make a new senior friend or something?”

“Why would you ask me that?”

“I saw you with this girl who looked like a senior in the senior hallway. I didn’t even know you had any senior classes.”

“I don’t.”

“Then, how did you know the senior girl?”

“I, she is just some girl I met while I was out with some friends.”

“Oh, I never heard you mention her.”

“She isn’t important enough for me to mention.” He said, shrugging his shoulders. I smiled at him and changed the subject.

            We had a really good lunch and then he dropped me off at home. I sighed at my house and walked slowly into the front door, using my key.

“I am home!” I yelled. I didn’t hear anything, so I assumed nobody was home. My sister played sports so that didn’t surprise me, and my other sister was at her dads. I guessed my mom was still at work or something, so I went upstairs to my room and started trying to organize my book bag. My phone buzzed and I got a text from an unknown number.

Tonight: 2:30 a.m. don’t be late, Ryan.

            I read the message with a frown. My whole entire body went stiff. I sighed and closed my eyes. I said a quick little prayer and went right back to working through my notebook. After about an hour of looking through my notes from classes and stuff that day, I heard the door open and my mom came inside.

“Hey mom!” I yelled. She came upstairs, and into my room.

“Hey, how was school?” she asked.

“It was okay, nothing serious I guess.”

“Do you have homework?”

“No, it is only the first day.”

“Okay,” she said sarcastically,” if you come home with some bad grades.”

“Yes, mother.” I said, and she laughed before closing my door again.

            At that moment my phone rang and it was Mariah.

“Hello.” I answered, relaxing in my bed.

“So, tell me why, I get on Facebook and I go onto Spencer’s page, and Ashley is like writing hearts and stuff on his wall. Then, I have a class with Ashley right, and I don’t know her for real, but she is suddenly being real nice to me.”

“Ashley goes to our school?”

“Yes, I mean, it isn’t like she has a lot of options in this town.”

“True. Well, I have never seen her before.”

“Zariyah has. I pointed her out to her after third. She isn’t pretty.”

“Is she not pretty because she isn’t pretty or is it because she writing on your man’s wall?” I asked, and it was followed by a silence and I knew she was giving her phone the Mariah death glare.

“She really isn’t pretty,” was her next response.

“Well, did you ask Spencer about it?”

“I wanted to but I don’t feel like arguing with him about nothing. There are always so many rumors about him and a bunch of girls and it could very well just be because he is really popular.”

“Or is could be because it is true. Ask him.”

“I know you are probably right, but I don’t want to-“

“You don’t want to find out that it actually is true.” I finished for her. She didn’t respond and so I took that to mean that I was correct.

“You should call Amayah and Zariyah so we can do a mission: cheer up Mariah.” I suggested.

            Whenever one of us was upset, we always got on a conference call and the other three talked about random ridiculousness until the sad one laughed and joined in. So we all got on the phone and talked until midnight. We even stayed on the phone through everyone’s different dinner times, listening to each other munch and crunch on the line.

            Once we got off the phone I walked into my sister’s room to see what she was doing. When I got in there, she was sleeping, so I walked out. Everybody in the house was sleep already, I quickly discovered. That was good, in a way. I went into my room and changed into my camo pants and a black tank top with a jean jacket. I used bobby pins to pin my hair back and put on a camo hat. I sat on my bed until 2:15, and then I looked out into my window. A tear fell from my face and I made sure that my bed room door was locked and that my covers at a perfect little stack of me inside of it. Then, I headed out into the dark night

Accidental Love: Book One of the MARZ seriesWhere stories live. Discover now