Chapter 5 - The Deal

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A dark shadow covered the whole medbay. The only thing to light this place was the data glasses showing some indexes of Forbidden's physical state. Relying on these data, it told her was being in good condition now. The voice - creating device was repaired, and the crack on her neck was covered as new as before. Her medic went out a few minutes ago.

Forbidden was just sitting up then Starscream appeared, leaning against the door-case with his familiar complacent smile.

"So I'm correct. You are really here."

What she could see was Starscream's backlighted face and his red glints from those featuring optics of Decepticon. Forbidden sat on a metal bed staring at her foxy commander and stayed silence.

"Our Lord might not be intelligent as me, but he isn't a full idiot, you know."

Normally, she won't express anything when Starscream says such things about Megatron behind his back, it doesn't mean she likes hearing them. Yet with which she has been through, Forbidden was quite sulky with Megatron so she responded with a snigger and said, "Yeah, right..." It made Starscream surprised and he immediately got used to this unpredictable outcome. In fact, he felt more interested and couldn't help grinning.

"I'm sick at hanging out in this boring war ship and seeing Megatron's face everyday." She said with sulky tone.

"Well, that news sounds great to me." Starscream turned aside his head excitedly, crossed arms on his chest-plate while glancing at her.

"I want to play outside, not some kind of Energon mine anymore." Forbidden suggested.

Starscream knew precisely what was her intention but he disagreed with that idea. Narrowing one eye, he said coherently, "You did know you are not allowed to play outside where has human living, right?"

She took a glance at one of the data glasses while mumbled enough for him to listen, "Now you sound like Megatron," that was a big strike on Starscream's inconstant self - esteem.

"I'm not!" He stood up straight and negated immediately.

"Yes, you're not, only if you could help me..." Forbidden jumped down the bed, walked leisurely toward Starscream, continued with mocking voice as she stood right in front of him, "but it seems too impossible for a genius like you," she craned slightly her neck showing her ridicule to him and... this was the last hit for him. Starscream stepped back and moaned briefly in defeat. His behavior never bores Forbidden, she giggled as he said: "Fine, how can I help you?"

"Do you have some of your inventions when we were still in Cybertron?"

"I suppose yes, what do you need?"

"Your Psychelink and Consolidation device for my material. The first one, I need twice, one for my size, one for human size."

Starscream frowned in few seconds, he realized correctly what was her conspiracy, "With these things... You must wait."

"How long?" Forbidden inclined her head a little and asked.

"For two or three days... at least... if I do get something from you in return." He grinned foxily and said with twisted tone. She narrowed her optics not surprised much. It is Starscream's true nature eating deeply into his Spark.

Her head bowed down considering something. Starscream waited not too long, about one minute, he had her answer: "I will share half of my team for you."

Forbidden's team, which is known as "Invisible force", a suicide squad for such specific missions requiring all of their life to complete. A secret army under her leadership serving for Lord Megatron. Decepticons, who want to join in her team, must be strong and professional enough, if not, death would visit so fast that they could not realize in time. Therefore, having these cons, his force will be more powerful than ever. It is a huge advantage for Starscream so why must he refuse this good bargain?

"Deal accepted." Starscream said showing his enthusiasm, and it was hardly to him not to give Forbidden a grin.

She smiled then reminded him as usual: "Remember to keep this as a secret."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Starscream said after he had turned away and walked while waving his hand sluggishly.

If Soundwave always help her in the light then Starscream will be the one to help her in the dark. More secrets and more black contracts have built up a string to connect them. A string if it was be discovered, they would both die under Megatron's blade. So it could be dangerous but not fragile.


A/n: Sorry if you guys feel my Starscream's character was different from what you thought. I mean he isn't like completely the Starscream in Transformers Prime. Because I have been much affected by the character of him in Japan's series Animated and IDW comics.
The picture upon is one of Starscream versions in IDW comics.

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