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I made this chapter focused on V and Joy because I think on the last chapters, #TaeJoy moments are lacking so yeahhh~~~~ Enjoy!!!



After the KBS Gayo Daechukje, I bid farewell to my manager and the members are helping me to get ready, they already knew that I'm going to V's birthday party.

"Hey Joy-ah, be careful not to get yourself drunk alright?" Irene unnie said to me while she stuffed some medicines in my purse.

"I know my limitations unnie and stop putting medicines in my purse."

"Just in case."

"Unnie, are you sure you're gonna go to his party?" Yeri said.

"Yeah, why not? Still worried that I'm still not moved on? Oh Yeri if you just know how we're so comfortable now like nothing happened." I said while I put my heels on. This is the only time I can wear heels since they forbid me 'cause I'm tall.

"Yerim-ah, Joy knows what she's doing. He's her close friend to begin with. Besides, our Sooyoung-ie already has Sungjae." Seulgi unnie said while helping me close the zipper of my dress. They started teasing me. Tss.

"Aish, stop teasing me!"

"Yah Sooyoung-ah, tell V to invite us next time alright?" Wendy unnie said.

"Ayt. Gotta go!" I said as I take my purse.

"Be careful!"

"I will!" I said as I went out of the dorm.


As soon as I enter the place I was taken a back 'cause I didn't know that many people will come. Whoo! Thank goodness the members told me to wear this dress, it's more appropriate than the one's I'm planning to wear. This is like a club.

"Sooyoung?" A boy said to me. His face is familiar.

"You don't remember me? It's me, Kibum from 9th grade."

"Oh! Class president Bae Kibum, yeah I remember you. What's up?" I said as high-five him.

"Oh, very fine. You're becoming a hot idol right now Park Sooyoung. How's the life of an idol?"

"Kinda hard but worth it."

"Oh must be tiring huh."

"Yeah, super."

"You've got a huge box there."

"Uhuh, a gift for the alien."

"Yah Bae Kibum! Come here!" I heard a man shout.

"Sorry Sooyoung, my friends are calling me. Nice talking by the way."

"It's okay, go ahead." I waved goodbye and started searching for V. It's hard for me to search for him since there's so many people and it's dark, the dancing lights are not helping. I thought there's less people here since he said that close friends and families are here but I guess V has a lot friends that's why there's a lot of people here.

"Yah Park Sooyoung! You actually came!!" V said as he approach me.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it." I said as I hug him. "By the way, here's my gift." I said as I hand him a huge box. If you ask me if I'm carrying it all along, yes. The guests are even staring at me.

"This is huge! Is there a human inside it?"

"Yaah! How can a human be in there?" I said as I slap his arm. This alien seriously.

"I'm just kidding, do I need to open it now?"

"Maybe later, I know you'll like it so save the best for last aryt?"

"Okay, okay."

"You've got a lot of hotties in here huh. One of them for you?"

"You're a hottie, too." He said and winked at me.

"I wanna punch you in the face right now V."

"Tss but seriously, this is the first time I saw you with that kind of dress. You never wore something revealing like that." He eyed me from head to toe.

"I already did. For the performance last year on MBC Gayo Daejun, the adult ceremony."

"Ahh I remember, the members are swooning over you that time."

"Tss anyway, happy birthday idiot. Wish you all the best" I said and I hugged him.

"Thanks, it's not your birthday but wish you all the best. Are you using the gift I gave you?" He hugged me back. Geez, we look like a couple in the middle of the dance floor right now.

"You eyed me from head to toe and you didn't even notice that I'm wearing the super expensive heels you gave to me on my birthday. How dare you?" I slapped his arm and broke the hug since a few people are staring at us.

"Sorry, didn't notice. It's so crowded in here, let's go to the lounge." He said as he grabbed my hand, took the huge box on the other hand and we walked to the lounge.

"How are you with Sungjae? Pretty good?"

"Yeah, we're getting pretty close."

"How close?" He said and he went right into my face with an inch apart and I'm totally freaking out.

"The hell V? You flirting with me?" I said jokingly and chuckled.

"Hah. I'm really curious with this gift, can I open it?"

"I told you. Save the best for last."

"But I'm really curious. Please???" Can I puke right now? His aegyo is bursting I wanna slap him in the face.

"Alright, geez that aegyo though. So disgusting."

"It's on purpose." He said and winked at me. He started to open the box and shock is written all over his face as he saw the whole thing.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL----- ARE YOU SERIOUS??? THIS IS YOUR GIFT TO ME?" He shouted and I covered my ears with my hands. Luckily, the music here is loud.

"Calm yourself gosh, I wouldn't give it to you if it's not my gift for you, you alien."

"I just didn't expect you'll give this to me. Thank you. Fu**ing thank you Joy." He said and gave me a tight hug.

"O--kay, V I c-can't breathe." I tried to push him 'cause I really can't breathe.

"Sorry, I'm just overwhelmed. I didn't expect you would give me a saxophone like what??"

"I just wondered that you haven't played saxophone for a long time so I gave it to you. I won't say 'Did you like it?' because clearly, you did."

"And you got me the Selmer "Firebird" Reference 54. Joy, this is a limited edition. Not to mention that this one is so expensive. Where did you get the money?" He looked at me suspiciously.

"You know when--gosh I'm embarrassed to tell you." I said and covered my face.

"Aish, tell me." He removed my hands from my face and held it.

"When we're still young and in love *cough*, I promised myself that I'll give you the best saxophone that I can buy, so I started saving money that time and took part-time jobs so I can save a lot more money than my savings from my allowance. I actually bought this 4 years ago but never got the chance to give it to you so I'm giving it to you now." I said and we remained silent for a while.

"Yah! Why aren't you saying anything?" I said and I pinched his cheek.

"Thank you Joy. So much." He said and the next thing he did shocked me.

He kissed my lips.

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