Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

We watched as the teal haired girl was shooting zombies directly at there heads, you can see the brain break into pieces and fall to the ground with blood every where. But we saw more zombies coming toward her, zombies walking with broken limbs and big scratches on there body with pus oozing out. I noticed she ran out of bullets, "Len let's go help her" I say tugging on his shirt "I'm sorry Rin, but we can't you can't trust her and plus it's better if it's just you and me" he says while watching the teal hair girl "What the hell Len what's wrong with you?!" I look at him with a angry look and start to run down the road to help the teal haired girl.

As I got closer I saw how beautiful the teal haired girl was, she had her long teal hair into two pigtails and some skinny jeans and a Holister shirt that was blue but was stained with blood. I felt my face get flushed but I ignored it, I clenched my bat and ran fast "ahhhhhhh!!!" I yelled and started hitting the dead as hard as I can, I felt there skull break as I hit them with all my force, blood splattered on my face as I started hitting faster. Soon they were all on the ground with broken skulls and blood oozing out, I got on my knees and felt exhausted and started breathing heavy "Are....*cough* you ok!!" I look up and see her with her hands by her chest "" she put her head down and her bangs covered her beautiful eyes, I got up and brushed the dirt off my knees and noticed how shy she was. I Blushed and shook my head,I opened my backpack which was still on my back and toke out a wipe and cleaned my hands.

"Ok, don't be shy just shake her hand" I thought, I held out my hand for her to shake and she lifted her head up and noticed my hand, she slowly got closer to my hand and soon we shook hands "I'm Rin Kagamine!!" I smiled at her "I'm....Miku Hastune" she says while smiling half way. "Where are you heading?" I ask trying to not blush again, "I'm heading towards that........shack." She says while pointing to the shack that was a block away, "Me and my brother where heading towards there too, I guess where all staying there together" I say with a big smile "I" she smiles slightly "where's your brother?" She asks "oh....he's up the road...." I turn around and see him walking towards us, I sigh "I don't care if he says no, she's going to the shack with us" I say in my mind.

Len walks past me and eyes me then faces forward. He puts on a fake smile and shakes Miku's hand "Are you guys twins?" she asks "yea." We both say at the same time, then we all start to walk towards the shack.


Me and Len clench are bats and Miku opens the front door and it creeks open, we all walk in slowly, it was so quiet that we could hear are foot steps. We checked every room and there were no zombies and it was pretty clean too, I noticed that the shack was like a house except it had metal walls and a metal roof which sucks because when it rains it gets really loud. We closed the door and locked it and we put the table and chairs in front of the door just incase zombies tired to come in. We lit up a lantern we found which was bright, we also had to find black blankets and put them over the windows. It finally got pitch black outside but the moon made light, I put my backpack by the couch and opened it and got out bread and ham and a tangerine, I gave the same thing to Miku but instead of the tangerine she asked for a leek which I only brought one, she was lucky.


Len had fallen asleep in one of the couches, I looked at Miku who was sitting next to me, my face instantly turned red Miku turned and faced me " it hot in here or what...heheh...." I starched my head and closed my eyes and smiled "I'm so stupid, stupid me." I say In my mind I open my eyes and see Miku tilt her head, she smiles at me and says "yea your right". "Miku your so nice!!" I say in my thoughts. "Rin are your parents alive?" She asks I freeze "I don't know if there dead or alive" I sigh, "what about you?" I ask "well they almost used me as bait for the zombies so that they can go and escape....but luckily I got my dads gun and ran off and then I meet you guys" she smiled but I knew she was sad. I put my hand on top of hers which was really soft, "I will protect you no matter what ok Miku I won't let no one hurt you even if it's my brother!" I say and then noticed what I said, my face turned red "thanks Rin your so cute" she said with a smile and then kissed my cheek, I saw her blush but my face was even redder than before.

Soon we decided to sleep on the ground since there was only one couch left, we grabbed a whole bunch of blankets and fixed them and made a bed on the ground. We got in the bed we made (where sleeping together but as friends) and I got the lantern which was next to me and blowed it off.


I opened my eyes and notice it was morning, I almost moved my hand until I felt I was squishing something "what?" I say and then I looked what I was squishing I froze when I notice that I was squeezing Miku's boob. My face reddened and I removed my hand quickly, I stared at sleeping Miku who didn't realize I was squeezing her bust. I sighed and ran my hand through my sweaty forehead "thank god she didn't notice" I whispered to my self, I noticed that Len was in the bathroom, I got up and walked to the bathroom and knocked "Len are you almost done?" I ask "yea" he answers he opens the door and goes to the living room, I was about to go in but I saw Miku waking up I smiled to my self and walked in the bathroom.


After awhile we ate breakfast and then Len spoke up "were going to the mall."


Dun dun dun hoped you liked it!!! 😁

If I get 20 read then chapter 4 it's!!! Peace ✌️✌️

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