Chapter 1

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~~Chapter 1~~

"Get out of my way, you freak!" Austin yelled, shoving me off to the side.

I gasped as I hit the wall and dropped my books to the floor. Hearing him laugh, I quickly picked up my belongings and rushed away before anyone else would make fun of me.

I arrived to my math class early, like I usually do, and sat down. My eyes were still a little watery from the incident in the hallway, but I wiped them with my sleeve.

A minute before class started, Austin and his group of friends walked in together. As usual, they sat right by me. This wasn't because they liked me or anything, they just loved to pick on me.

"Homework." Austin said, holding out his hand. I sighed, then reached into my backpack to grab the big pile of their homework I did last night for them.

I put it in his hand, and he distributed it out to all of his friends. I took out my own homework, and I set in on the desk in front of me.

When class started, we handed all the sheets in, and the teacher began her lesson.

I honestly didn't know how these guys haven't been caught yet. I had kind of girly writing, and I put that on every single one of their papers. How has the teacher not found out about this?

After class, I walked to the lunch room. Luckily, my friend Alex sat next to me, so I wasn't completely alone.

"Hey Ella." He greeted as I sat down next to him. I smiled.

"Hello, how are you?" I asked sweetly.

"I'm great, you?" He asked me.

"I'm fine."

We began to eat in silence, enjoying the quiet after the buzz of voices all day.

Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see Austin standing in front of me with a smirk on his face and a water bottle in his hands. I bit my lip nervously, then waited to hear what he had to say.

He didn't say anything.

Instead, he turned his water bottle upside down, spilling all of its contents onto my head. I gasped, and I think everyone else in the room did as well. Alex stood up quickly, about to start a fight with Austin.

"Alex, no!" I yelled. He stared at me in shock, then walked closer to me, touching my arm. I slowly picked up my tray off the table, then stared at it for a moment as Austin continued to laugh. After a moment or so. I dumped all of my tray's contents onto Austin, causing him to stop laughing and gasp.

He slowly looked from his shirt to my eyes with a murderous glare, and I took that moment to run for my life. I darted out of the cafeteria, then ran up the staircase as fast as I could. I looked behind me, and Austin was right on my tail.

I looked around for a way out, and I suddenly saw someone get into the nearest elevator. Knowing the doors would close soon, I sprinted towards them and slipped inside just as the doors closed. I heard a bang on the other side, knowing that Austin would be hitting it.

As the elevator rose, I knew I would have to hurry when the doors opened. He would be running up the stairs, trying to find me.

When the doors opened, I looked out cautiously. No one was in sight, so I silently walked towards my dorm room, which was down the hall a little bit. I relaxed as there was no sign of Austin. I had made it.

As I took my final turn, I ran into something.

Something that felt a lot like a person.

"Gotcha." Austin said, grabbing my arm roughly. I tried to scream, but it didn't come out. That seems to happen a lot when I'm terrified. Austin pulled me roughly along with him as he made his way out of the dorm area. He came across an empty hallway, then opened a door. He threw me inside, causing me to hit the back wall, then slammed the door shut.

"Austin, no!" I yelled, tugging at the locked door. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that! Please let me out!"

There was no reply, and I sat with my back against the wall.

I was left alone.



Hello! This is my second story on wattpad, and I'm glad you took the time to read it. If you've read my other story, you'll know that I make my chapters really short! I know this gets irritating, but there will be a lot of them. Also, I put the date that I uploaded at the bottom of every chapter. This is so readers know that I have been uploading and haven't just stopped the story. Finally, there will NOT be any swearing in this story. I know it's unrealistic, but I just don't like to write that.

Thank you,


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