Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Friday night, I was back at work again. My arm was still bandaged up, but as long as I didn't lift anything too heavy, I could manage. Austin was there too, unfortunately. I tried to ignore him, but he did have to watch me serve customers as part of his training. For now though, he mostly stayed in the kitchen and washed dishes. I passed him as I gave an order slip to our chef, and I could hear him grumbling about the work quietly. I returned to the table I was serving and placed their drinks down, promising that their orders would be there shortly. I heard a crash in the kitchen, followed by loud cursing.

"Austin!" I cried sternly as I hurried into the kitchen. "What happened? You can't just curse like that when customers can hear you!"

Austin was crouching down, picking up shards of the plates he dropped. When he saw me, he stood up.

"I'll do what I want," he growled. "Get me a broom." I hurried over to the storage closet and picked out the first broom I saw. I handed it to Austin, and he began sweeping up the small pieces into a dustbin. "You know, this is all your fault." He said softly. "Maybe if you wouldn't just get on my nerves all the time..."

"My fault?" I asked, shocked. "If I remember right, you were the one who tripped me and got yourself into trouble. And this isn't even that bad. Remember who got you out of jail time?"

"Shut up, nerd." He said, walking past me and purposely bumping into me.

"What's going on in here?"

I turned around and saw Jamie at the doorway. She must have heard the crash and Austin's swearing.

"I quit." Austin said sharply, taking off his apron. He tried to leave, but Jamie blocked the door.

"Oh no you don't," She said. "You have a debt to pay, remember? Or do you want me to go straight to the police and tell them what really happened the other night?"

Austin rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he grumbled, walking over to the dishes again.

I, on the other hand, went back into the dining room to check on my customers. Only one table left, and then I could go home.

I sat at a booth and began doing some of my math homework, along with Austin's and his friends'. A few minutes in, Austin himself approached me.

"Good to see you doing my work." He said. "If I have to do yours, you have to do mine."

Anger filled me, but I stayed silent. The last thing I needed was another locked closet incident.

At about 10:30, the couple finally put their coats on and left the restaurant. I cleaned their table and took the tip they had left me. By the time I was ready to leave, it was 11:00. Well at least I could sleep in tomorrow.

I had only walked a few feet away from the building before I felt a hand grab my shoulder and turn me around.

"What?" I asked Austin, slightly angry already.

"I deserve those tips."

"What? No, they're for me."

He held out his hand and gave me a threatening look. Sighing, I took the money out of my pocket and placed it in his hand. He placed it in his jacket pocket and walked off into the night.

"Have our homework done by tomorrow."


Monday morning, I walked into my math class, holding a bunch of homework sheets in my arms. The guys hurried over to me and snatched them from me, distributing the correct papers to each other. They left to take their seats, but I grabbed Austin's arm.

"Look," I said quietly, so only he could hear. "Taking my money last night wasn't cool. You really should be nicer to me. I could report what you did."

"Yeah," He shrugged. "But you won't."

"Yes I will!" I said, trying to sound confident. I don't think it worked.

"Sure, okay."

The rest of the day seemed to pass slowly, and eventually I had to leave for work. Luckily, though, Alex would be working with me.

The night was about the same. I waited on tables, and so did Alex. Austin was in the kitchen again washing dishes.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, I clocked out and took my belongings out of my locker. I was just about to go into the kitchen and wait for Alex when Austin stopped me. He held out his hand, and I already knew what he wanted. I sighed, reaching into my purse. With disappointment and anger, I thrust my tips into his palm.

"Fine. Here you go. I hope you're happy that you're taking everything I've worked for." I said, shaking with anger.

He smirked. "Oh trust me, I am."

Just then, Alex appeared in the doorway. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," Austin replied, and the three of us exited the building. We walked for about five minutes, and I stopped.

"You guys go ahead," I told them. "I think I forgot something."

Alex looked worried, but nodded his head. I hurried back towards the restaurant, but I didn't stop there. I passed it, going in the opposite direction of where I came from. Eventually I stopped at a large bridge that stood over a river. I leaned against the railing, tears pouring down my face. I stared into the water and wondered what would await me after life.

I wouldn't mind going now. Austin was making my life miserable anyways. There was no point continuing if this was how the rest of my life would go. I stood up, shaking, and I looked farther over the edge. Was this the only way out? I think so.

I stepped closer to the side of the bridge and held onto a railing, crawling under to approach the edge. I looked down at the rushing water and closed my eyes.

Don't over think it, I thought to myself. The longer I waited, the more nervous I would become.

Before I could think of anything else that would prevent me from doing it, I let go of the railing and jumped.

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