Chapter 5

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~~Chapter 5~~

I felt Alex pick me up and check my hands and arms. He started wiping blood off.

"No!" Austin yelled, running over and kneeling down to my level. "Don't clean it until you've got the glass out." he demanded. He turned to look me in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I never meant for that to happen."

I ignored him, and tears ran down my eyes as he pulled pieces of glass out of my hand. Alex grabbed a water pitcher from a nearby table and started to pour it over the blood.

"What happened!?" I heard my boss yell. I turned my head to see her rushing towards me with a first aid kit.

"Austin tripped her and made her fall onto broken glass." Alex sneered.

Jamie, my boss, glared at him.

"You are in so much trouble." She growled at him.

Austin didn't seem to care. "She needs to be taken to the hospital. She needs stitches." He told her. She nodded, then helped me to my feet.

"Alex, wrap some bandage around her cuts." Austin ordered. "Try to get everything, but focus on the wrists. That will bleed more."

I whimpered as Alex took a white bandage from Jamie's first aid kit and tightly wrapped it around my wrist.

More tears poured from my eyes. I had completely forgotten that my boss and five other guys were standing around me.

"I'll take care of the rest here, Alex." Jamie said. "You just take her to the hospital." Alex nodded. "Take this boy with you. He should see what he's done." She added.

We glanced at Austin for a moment before Alex wrapped his arms around me and pulled me out of the restaurant. He gently placed me in the backseat and got in on the driver's side, while Austin got in on the passenger's side.

The whole way there, Alex and Austin were bickering.

"This never would have happened if you would've just left her alone!"

"I wasn't intentionally trying to hurt her!"

"How am I supposed to believe that?"

"I would never try to hurt a girl that bad!"

"Stop!" I yelled. "You two are giving me a headache!"

Alex growled at Austin and got out of the car, helping me out with him. We rushed inside, and a nurse quickly took us in.

"Alex, I'm scared." I told him as we were waiting for the doctor. He kissed my cheek, making me blush.

"I know. But I'm right here hanging on to you." I smiled. Austin reached over to me and tightened my bandage. He noticed that more blood was leaking through.

"Oh no, I think I'm going to be sick." I groaned.

"No you're not. Look away." Austin said. I nodded, just as the doctor came in. He sat down and put in some stitches. It hurt really bad, but Alex clutched on to me.

"There. All done." The doctor said. "Please be careful, and try not to overdo it." I nodded, and Alex signed us out, cursing at Austin the entire time.



I promise that I will NEVER ask for a certain number of reads/votes/comments before I update, but I really like to read comments. I don't care about voting, but I'd like to hear what you have to say! So please do!

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