Chapter 2:turning the tables

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(Lucas' POV) I was still stunned knowing that Mina just Friendzoned should have been the other way around..she actually finally moved on...I was supposed to friendzone her but she did it to me instead,after awhile I got home a bit later than usual.
"Fuck...i'm gonna get it now..." I said to myself unlocking the door,once I walked inside my mother was standing outside of the kitchen door with a wooden spoon. "Lucas Martinez! do you have any idea what time it is?!" my mother yelled at me while hitting me on the head hard with the wooden spoon,My little brother Mateo snickered looking at me with a devious smirk on his face,"Ow! What the hell Mom?!" I screamed rubbing my head.

"He was probably getting pussy from some random girl." Mateo was looking straight at me and grinned a bit. Oh how i wanted to choke that douche..!,but i stayed calm and waited for my mother's response.

"Well..were you having sex with a random girl?" she crossed her arms getting ready to hit me again with the wooden spoon
"No ma'ma.." I said giving the little fucker a death glare,I seen him gulp in fear with sweat dripping down his face.
Later that Night i went into Mateo's room where he was on his laptop with his earbuds ignoring the world,I walked over to him grabbing his laptop and tossing it on the floor which caused the screen to crack, "What the hell,Lucas?!" he hissed pulling out his earbuds.

"That's for making up that lie earlier!" I snapped at him getting ready to choke him out but then my father walked into the room.
"What's with all this fucking noise?!" My father yelled looking at both me and Mateo,our father was smoking a blunt and was drinking a beer..God! I hated when he did both things at the same time not only that he gets very abusive and aggressive when he's drunk.

"It's nothing Dad,just go back to your Man Cave." I replied while looking at Mateo grinning a bit.
He had finally left Mateo's bedroom which meant I could beat the hell out of him for getting me in trouble. I closed the door and locked and then...from there you can imagine what I did to the little booger.

The next day,I woke up extremely late,later than usual.
"Fuck! It's 9:00 a.m!" I quickly got dressed,didn't even decide to fix my hair and run out the front door running all the way to Bridgewood High. I quickly threw my stuff into the locker then walking into the classroom,the teacher gave me a very serious stare. "Late again I see,mr.Martinez.." The teacher always needs to say something to me like as if she's my mother...god I hate her..
"I'm sorry Ms.can't keep a man.." I hissed at her walking over to my seat everyone in the classroom was laughing and gasping,the teacher..well sent me to another classroom but instead I was roaming the hallways. ***

(Mateo's POV) My plan is working just fine..Lucas came late to school today,just because a little someone decided to unplug his Alarm clock but it was worth it since he threw my laptop! But soon Mina will be mine..even if I'm a few grades behind her she's so perfect.. "Mateo?..Hello? Earth to Mateo?!" Melanie shock me repeatedly,maybe if she wasn't an emo I would probably like her more.

(A/N: Hope you enjoy this Chapter of Friends with Benefits! Next chapter will be up pretty soon!)

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