5 years later Jane, Clockwork Ben,Ej, Jeff,and Luna planned a huge wedding for the separate couples to have a all together couples wedding, they would call up first the oldest couples, so first up was ej and ben everyone was happy for all of them when they were done Jane and clockwork came up next they said their vows as so ej and ben
Then when they were done luna and jeff had their turn, when they were all done everyone went off to friends and talked about random things slenderman called in the three couples in a circle and the others to gather around and grab their drinks, slenderman said "this is a toast to our wonderful couples that we have here today, i thank god to bringing them together because they are all beautiful and make a great couple, a toast first to ej and ben congrats, a toast to Jane and clockwork congrats, and last but not least a toast to jeff and luna congrats" ben said "thank so much for everyone's support, it means the world to me to get to have the best husband i could ever ask for, so i wanna make a toast to my wonderful husband i love you baby" then ej said "awe thank you babe i love you to i am thankful to have you in my life, you are also the best husband i could ever ask for, so i wanna make cheers to my baby, i love you so much" so they kissed and everyone cheered then next up was jane and clockwork, jane spoke first and said "i am so happy to have the most beautiful wife ever i thank god for bringing you in my life you are the most beautiful wife anyone could ever ask for, thank you for being in my life babe i love you forever" clockwork spoke "awe thank you baby, you are the best wife ever too i love you so much i am so glad to call you mine, like i don't know what i would do without you, you mean everything to me i thank god that you are mine i love you so much also thank you for being in my life forever and always i love you"
they spoke both went back in line now up next was jeff and luna, jeff spoke first *clears throat* "Luna i am so glad that....... I get to have someone like you.... You are the best wife in history thanks babe for being in my life i am glad that god brought us faith to be together my love i have for you shall last forever never shall anyone get my love for you but you, thank you god for bringing in the most amazing girl ever, the girl i am going to be with for the rest of my life i love you so much luna" than luna says "thank you baby i am glad that you are in my life too, you are the best husband anyone could ever ask for i love you so much and i would do anything to make you happy and i can't wait to get to spend the rest of my life with you thank you, you're the best i love you" everyone gathered around walked in separate groups back to the mansion,all the couples were holding hands and all the non couples were walking on the both sides of slendy, the couples were in the back..
They were all talking to each other and just having a good time they all arrived at the mansion it was 1:50pm when they walked inside they all said congrats to the couples and they all went to bed luna and jeff stayed up in jeff's room and played video games jane and clockwork stayed in Jane's room and just talked about random things ben and ej went straight to bed because they were tired and it was already late, after an hour of talking about random things jane and clockwork went to sleep then another hour later after jeff and luna were done playing video games they went to sleep as well, all the couples all hung out outside of the mansion like a walk in the woods to just like talk about how things are going and hope they are doing okay and not having any problems, they all eventually went their ways and moved out of the mansion to have their own place built by them in the woods next to the mansion and they all lived happily ever after..... The end!
Adopted By Creepypastas
FanfikceMe and my friend Shawntel aka LILMISSCREEPYPASTA10 make this story Luna abandoned by her bitch for parents and left at an orphanage. When a certain tall man decides to adopt her, will she finally get a home that she is loved in, and that she always...