The Telian Gods (not finished)

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The Proclaimed gods

Arcanas: The seer god and god of magic

Dorvinku: God of nature

Entuzina’Volic: The bipolar goddess of growth and life, and the god of death and decay.

Harkenvalis: god of secrets and forbidden knowledge

Macunda: goddess of maternity and childbirth

Ra’cinder: goddess change and revolutions

Yllventhold: the god of wanderlust and creativity

Silventa: Goddess of battle and irrationality

Arcanas is both wise and insightful, and is the oldest of the proclaimed gods. He is the most powerful of the recognized gods of Telian. Though he was elected to be their leader, he declined. Arcanas often does as he pleases. despite the inclination of the other gods. Arcanas depicts himself as a male, with a long greyed beard, and beautiful, yet not adorned robes. His missing eye is not covered, leaving scarred tissue where it once was. Arcanas is fond of testing the morality of the mortal races, as well as their strength, over generations, if not ages. He punishes those that fail his tests.

Dorvinku is one of the oldest gods, and seen as the wisest. He distances himself from the other gods, and rarely speaks, but when he does, it is both significant and truth. He depicts himself differently from the other gods. His skin is living wood twisted into the shape of a man. His face is aged, but his appearance is both youthful and ancient. He cares beyond measure, for every plant and tree, and has fathered all of them, from seagrass to the tallest of trees. He has always despised humanity as a whole, but there are exceptions for those who take to nature.

Entuzina’Volic is portrayed as both female and male. The first portion of the name, Entuzina, is used when referring to the goddess of life and growth. Volic is used when referring to the god of death and decay. Although the two seem very different, they are only different aspects of the same god, and both are Entuzina’Volic.  As a female, Entuzina depicts herself as a youthful woman, beautiful beyond all mortal kin. Her eyes and dress emerald green, seemed with gold. Her long, earthy brown hair falls down to the small of her back. As Volic, he depicts himself as an old man, the flesh on one half of his body rotting revealing bone in certain parts. Worms crawl in and out of the rotted flesh while the other side is a withering old man. He is garbed in a dark cloak that covers all but his face. Followers often quote the ancient scripture of Entuzina’Volic, saying “Growth and decay are one. The blurred line between life and death is a lie.”

Harkenvalis is the guardian of all that is forbidden, and knower of all that has been forgotten. He often finds himself at odds with Arcanas, who sees the future, which in Harkenvalis’s eyes, should be the unknown, and his territory. As is to be expected, Harkenvalis is mysterious, and has never revealed his form to any mortal, other than a dark and consuming black shroud. Though he often plays an undeniable role in any large event, allowing ancient and powerful artifacts or knowledge to fall into the hands of mortals in key moments in history.

Macunda often depicts herself as a pregnant woman in a beautiful blue dress, shawl and headdress. With the combined power of the gods, it was she who birthed Telian from her womb, the magic of the other gods, the seed. She sees herself as the mother of the Athenians, and indeed the world. Her love and kindness to the mortal races knows no bounds, but she is also to be feared. Her wrath rivals that of Silventa when angered. Though she despised humans at first, she eventually grew to love them, as a stepmother. She often guides those who are lost and is with those who are alone.

Ra’cinder desires change above all else, be it for better or worse. She often found herself bored of the Altherian and their predictable ways. More often than not, she lets loose the ember that sparks a revolution. In the first age of man, she had one of the largest roles to play, and still does. She depicts herself as a woman, but often changes her form, making her appearance anyone's guess. However, she wears her hair a mess, and a tattered gown beginning to fray. Her eyes are two different colors, usually gold and silver, but sometimes green and brown, or violet and blue. She shares many similarities with her twin, Yllventhold.

    Yllventhold is easily one of the strangest of the Telian gods. Like his sister, Yllventhold changes his appearance regularly, but even more drastically. He never appears the same twice, and changes gender as often as garment. His acts are unpredictable, as are many of his followers. He believes in individualism is the most important aspect of oneself, and often takes to travelers, artist, musicians, and has a special place for the manically deranged.

Silventa is the youngest of the gods, and is easily infuriated. She is the goddess if battle, and likes to test those who take to fighting, from brawls to war. She herself even takes the battle to the tongue, with harsh words that strike fear, even to the gods. She is the finest warrior. She troops in heavy armor just as often as chainmail. She prefers the finesse of a sword, but often wields a heavy flail as a backup. She is skilled in a variety of weapons, great axes, maces, and even bows.

The Denounced gods

The Unnamed god of the void

Artillian The god of the forlorn and the crestfallen

Nedari god of ailments, disease and affliction

Voshogen god of misfortune and calamity

The Unnamed god, sometimes referred to as the Void God, or the voidwalker, and is the oldest of all gods, be it Telian, Azurian, or any other realm. He his the essence of the Abyss, where all other gods are born. It is said that he was first, before anything, even in the upper planes. He is not worshipped by humans because most do not believe in his existence, and because he is not seen as good. The voidwalker is beyond such childish conflicts such as good and evil and right and wrong. Although most do not remember encounters with him, He is the silhouette of a man, filled with the blackness of the void. There are stars inside of him that seem to move when he does. Occasionally he dabbles in the affairs of mortals, gently pushing those who he feels is worthy, but most often he simply observes.

The Void god has been known to accompany the departed when they die, earning him a sinister reputation associated with death, but he is there for those who die alone, or have earned his respect or interest.

Artillian is the embodiment of loneliness, cast out from even the denounced gods. Though he prefers to be alone anyhow. He is often depicted as a black haired child in ragged clothing with dark circles under his eyes. His appearance weak and frightened, but make no mistake, Artillian is not to be trifled with. He takes pleasure in cursing the strong and charismatic.

    Nedari depicts herself as a sickly old woman. Both frail and diseased, covered in boils leaking pus. She despises all humans, is responsible for many illnesses and plagues. But she does not limit herself to physical illnesses. Sickness of the mind is often attributed to her, ranging from depression to madness and everything inbetween. She is one of the most feared of the denounced gods.


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